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squawkingood t1_j81xw2h wrote

I was in a really bad car accident a few weeks ago in South Burlington. I was driving to work in the morning, going south on 89, when a car driving in the northbound lane swerved from the passing lane, went across the grass median and hit me head on. Both me and the other driver survived, but they totaled my fairly new Hyundai Kona that I only had for less than a year, and I was in the hospital for a week with a fractured sternum and a fractured pelvis. I'm now recovering at home but it will still be at least another month until I can go back to work.

So people, please do better. Don't drive like assholes on the highway. It's not worth it.


gangbangstripperelf t1_j826tzr wrote

I was about ten cars behind you and holy shit I’m so glad you’re ok. It was horrendously scary to watch. I called it in, but alas i have no useful medical skills and several people who appeared way more equipped to assist stopped to help you. I hope you are doing ok now and will have a full recovery.


squawkingood t1_j82l8cf wrote

Thanks! I'm doing much better than I was but it is going to be a long recovery.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j820ftf wrote

Holy fuck, pretty sure I saw those tire tracks. Really glad to hear you’re ok all things considered.

That’s a perfect example though - you’re minding your business and some asshat in the complete other side of the median made a dumb choice and almost killed both of you.


popquizmf t1_j887da2 wrote

No it's not an example of that. Where in all that description did we read about the other driver making a poor choice? We didn't. All we know is they came from the other side of the highway.

You may well be correct, and probably are. Let's not pretend that mechanical failure, tire failure etc can all cause accidents at no fault of the owner/driver.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j88p2za wrote

Wow you’re a self righteous asshole. I read about this particular accident and they said speed and negligence played a part.


illusivealchemist t1_j82w5ad wrote

Wishing you a speed full recovery! So glad you survived that, how horrific.


squawkingood t1_j82wn3u wrote

Thanks! It was very scary, but I was lucky that I managed to survive the head on collision with minimal injuries.


Embonious t1_j83alv4 wrote

Traumatic injuries are no joke. The beginning of recovery is really intense, and not just physically. I hope you're doing OK and getting the support you need, and getting at least some decent sleep!


squawkingood t1_j83qrdw wrote

Thanks! The first five or so days after getting home from the hospital were rough and I kept waking up in the middle of the night, but I am able to get a full night's sleep now.


bugluvr65 t1_j894ldw wrote

woah i might know the person that hit u lol


philly1750 t1_j84pwjl wrote

Aren’t the ditches made to stop those kind of accidents though
