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TheTowerBard t1_j9oxk23 wrote

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

It’s here.


Dvorak_Smells t1_j9punby wrote

It's a good report. VPO is doing a great service by shining a light on these people.

That said, the last line made me chuckle: > I’m not telling you to withhold support from these two candidates. I’m just identifying relevant information that the candidates themselves are trying to hide.

I'm not telling you not to vote for these people. I'm just telling you they are terrible, terrible people. lol.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9r324e wrote

I expected Rama to post this drivel, but he’s apparently gone away.

It’s not really a good report.

It starts by picking on how people dress for a family photo and gets more pathetic from there.

John Walters is washed up, seeing a right wing threat around every corner.

He was forced to resign/fired from Seven Days for a lack of accuracy. Let that sink in. Forced to resign because he couldn’t be accurate while reporting on politics.

We can all do better.


PromiseNorth t1_j9tfuki wrote

Not the best comparison to Ramadouchè. Credibility of OP aside, he’s on to something w/ this.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9tvgzg wrote

Not sure what the OP is offering when his link is to a discredited former left wing “journalist” who’s blog is dedicated to sowing supposition and dissent among Vermonters.

Again, we can do better.


Amyarchy t1_j9pb5lx wrote

We have a few "anti-woke" folk running for school board in Milton. They're definitely getting more subtle about their dog whistles but couldn't resist that one, I guess.


dhatman9 t1_j9r2q64 wrote

Is there a resource for the school board candidates goals and cv?? Front porch forum is informative, but not very comprehensive.


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_j9p1q5v wrote

Must be something in Fairfax water—similarly, when asked by the host in a public access interview about her Prop 5/ Article 22 (reproductive rights protection) stances, Rep. Ashley Bartley deflected with the nonanswer “lots of misinformation out there…”.

Also transparently shittily, nearby Franklin-4’s Bob Norris mentioned he based his Gilead-loving stances on a number of postcards he had received! Even the mild-mannered interviewer probed him further to get him to admit it was Astroturf.


dhatman9 t1_j9rb2hm wrote

Great article vpo.


JodaUSA t1_j9ukn3u wrote

“she claims that “the evidence about gender affirming care is weak and mixed, at best.” “

I love lying to support my fucked up world view