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SemperFuu t1_j83pzlk wrote

The GOP would say the squad. We need a stronger independent party! Yeah I’m that guy lol


AvianQuill t1_j83vjy3 wrote

The GOP may compare their MAGA GOP members to “the squad” but that would be the very definition of a false equivalency.


SemperFuu t1_j83vmss wrote

They both suck. Get in loser where growing the independent party


AvianQuill t1_j83vwe0 wrote

I don’t disagree … Bernie FTW


cpujockey t1_j8rv1wj wrote

> I don’t disagree … Bernie FTW

I have always liked bernie. He's always been consistent. I don't agree with his ideology but he always has my vote for the great work he did in burlington as mayor.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j83sbfy wrote

I kinda figured. To me, "wokeness" is more tolerable than the repulsive behavior I see from GOP members, but I guess that's just a matter of opinion.

Right there with ya as far as independents go. Two party system ain't working. I mean really we just need good candidates, I don't give a shit what party they affiliate with.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j83s06k wrote

I'm all for a more prominent independent party!! Two party "rule" just isn't working anymore.


SemperFuu t1_j83s4yl wrote

Preach! Bipartisanship means we don’t get a choice.


mscameron77 t1_j8555se wrote

I think there are a lot of us that feel that way but the two party system makes us feel hopeless and we pick the lesser of two evils, which is pretty tough these days.


cpujockey t1_j8ruws5 wrote

> We need a stronger independent party!

agreed. I hate aligning myself with republicans.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j83rm52 wrote

Sure, that's what they DO say, but is it real?

Whatever your views of their politics, that is your view which you are as entitled to hold as they are theirs. What they have never done is instigate violence against others or a violent, riotous coup on 01/06/21 that that almost succeeded.

I can and do and will always work with and around others with who I have some fundamental disagreements. One of the hard lines I draw is at violence in favor of democracy.

So, the GOP would say "the squald". What would you say?


mscameron77 t1_j855uka wrote

Wait, are you under the impression that it would be possible to overthrow the US government (or even hinder it in any way) by those idiots trashing the Capitol building?


SemperFuu t1_j83rw1o wrote

ilhan omar is pretty radical and is publicly antisemitic


ArkeryStarkery t1_j84aw2f wrote

This is a myth based on a single out of context quote. One of Breitbart's strongest wins.


ArkeryStarkery t1_j84awxn wrote

This is a myth based on a single out of context quote. One of Breitbart's strongest wins.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j86wt5k wrote

You independents don't stand for anything and just like the liberals it's why you get know where with the core voting demographic of this country.
