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RamaSchneider OP t1_j83q4oc wrote

Only one major political party in the United States is currently:

- Actively removing non-preferred history and science from our children's education

- Actively forcing preferred religion into our public interactions

- Actively forcing us to accept more deadly guns on our streets

- Actively insisting on more uses for those deadly guns in our social and political interactions

- Actively undermining our democratic institutions, processes and values

- Actively refusing to do anything that might be remotely in any way sorta kinda confused with working with President Biden

- and more


GMbzzz t1_j84ihqg wrote

The fact that you’re getting downvoted for stating facts is depressing.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j84nun2 wrote

It's okay, they're stuck with thinking about what I wrote.


PromiseNorth t1_j84ufdr wrote

She’s getting downvoted due to lack of credibility from recent activity, reputation, past posts, and conflations, bad arguments and divisiveness. Even if the arguments are on point she’s basically gone so far left she’s spun around right and is borderline condoning political violence. No solutions or ideas are presented just hate and vitriol. Remind you if anyone? RamaTrump 2024


cpujockey t1_j8rvdyr wrote

I assumed Rama was a dude. Every Rama I met during my time as an H1B Staffing Firm IT guy was a dude.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j83rs1c wrote

LOL keep spreading those talking points.. Both parties want us divided. Just remember, NEITHER party ever gets anything worthwhile done.


Human802 t1_j83w5re wrote

That rhetoric is just normalized irresponsibility. Saying both parties are the same is lazy nonsense, just say “I am not brave enough to take a stand”

And this isn’t some praise of the Democratic Party, plenty to criticize from them, but saying they are both the same is lazy bullshit.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j88juro wrote

Over 20 bills passed in the last 2 years all having far reaching impact on all of our lives. Be informed and you’ll never look like an ass online. Stay misinformed and wonder why your family and friends hate you.