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ReasonableLiving5958 t1_j9liiis wrote

Fun fact: The line of traffic in Stowe actually reaches all the way to the ACTUAL Rocky Mountains


conabegame1 t1_j9m5mw9 wrote

This is what happens when people learn where the Ben and Jerry’s factory is


sleepfordayz679 t1_j9msdg9 wrote

Where does it meet with Little Cottonwood's line of traffic? Somewhere in Iowa?


tadamhicks t1_j9qolzg wrote

You people have obviously never tried to drive I-70 from Denver on a pow day


sleepfordayz679 t1_j9qqruo wrote

What are you talking about? Never any traffic in Colorado, everyone should go there! /s


Aqualung317 t1_j9nhbc2 wrote

Where tf is trapps?! Whooo look at that tree! Is that a painted cow! How many cases of heady topper should we get?


vttale t1_j9pl9a5 wrote

"Why don't you move to Stowe?" "NO, because Route 100."

(Plus, I apparently never even refer to it because I just had to teach it to Swype.)


taez555 t1_j9lua3r wrote

Not shown is the car at the intersection, trying to find the Von Trappe Lodge, holding up traffic unsure if they have the right of way.


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j9ly0ow wrote

The weird turn by the Riverside Inn is bad too. When it’s a peak holiday week and I have to turn left I’m scared that someone is gonna be very confused and I’ll get hit


cohray2212 t1_j9lgid2 wrote

They added fake mountains to the fake Vermont town. Cool!


Effinehright t1_j9ld14t wrote

but did they crowd source a farm to keep the poors out in this stowe too?


Reasonable-Sock9551 t1_j9m28sp wrote

Care to elaborate? Is this in reference to Vail? Or did Stowe residents crowd fund a land purchase?

Edit: Did some digging and think this is what was being referred to

If anyone else has more info chime in.


Effinehright t1_j9mkqj3 wrote

You found it!


Reasonable-Sock9551 t1_j9mqg5x wrote

Bit conflicted with some of the land trusts. On one hand it's good to keep from over building on land and preserving it for all to enjoy on the other hand it just continues to make it more difficult and expensive to develop the state to appropriately house residents.


IndefinableMustache t1_j9ogtns wrote

Like Stowe would build something for the poors.... we all know it would have been McMansions or high-end condos.


MagicMudpuppy t1_j9lim4m wrote

That abandoned asbestos mine you can see in the distance on your way out of Stowe looking toward Moville suddenly expanded.


MadMcCaffrey t1_j9m2dat wrote

Red building across from a steeple with an obnoxiously long line of traffic?

Yep, that's Stowe.


VermontArmyBrat t1_j9m9tao wrote

Hold up. I watch resident alien, excellent show! I missed this detail.


WannabeWonk OP t1_j9meoid wrote

It's literally on screen for like one second. I've just driven that bend so many times I noticed it immediately.


Hopsblues t1_j9m98ze wrote

Many of the stock scenes are Telluride, but most of it was shot in BC(?)


stanky-hanky-panky t1_j9mhr2e wrote

We watch resident alien and totally didn’t catch this!


realbigloo t1_j9on0pu wrote

Lmao a simple traffic light in the town center could fix nearly everything, although the town and resort weren't designed to handle heavy traffic


mojohand2 t1_jaarbo1 wrote

Nothing like that Morrisville alpine experience!


takecaretakecare t1_j9ldf2k wrote

People that spend their time and money at Stowe are probably closet fascists from Connecticut, change my mind!


KITTYONFYRE t1_j9lgl0a wrote

as someone born and raised in vermont, why are vermonters such miserable people

this is just xenophobia/no true scotsman for literally no reason. "dae people from somewhere 50 miles south of here suck?!?!? aren't we so much better?"


ellusiveuser t1_j9mihyt wrote

No true redditor would use such a trite and tautological example to backup their well researched grievances!


takecaretakecare t1_j9lm0dx wrote

Oh wow, you seem fun at parties. Do you think it’s Vermonters going to the most overpriced mountain we have? Do you think Connecticut is 50 miles away too? I’m happy you learned a logical fallacy to whip out for internet points but it does not apply here; my joke is that only wealthy braindead fools from out of state would wait in line for so-so trails and white tablecloths.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j9lnlpn wrote

news flash: every big mountain in the state costs a shitload. you know a killington pass is like $1200 nowadays? there's plenty of ridiculously priced shit everywhere. plenty of vermonters are raking in shitloads of money, you don't need to point out of state for that

im not fun at parties I don't get invited to them


takecaretakecare t1_j9lny8y wrote

I don’t think you understand the joy that comes with shitting on people visiting from Connecticut.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j9lok7g wrote

you're not answering my question: why are Vermonters such miserable people, as you've proven yourself to be?

"wow you must be fun at parties" then "you don't understand the joy that comes with shitting on people from [insert neighboring state containing human beings exactly like Vermonters]"


awfuckthisshit t1_j9lplgw wrote

Mighty bold of you to assume those from Connecticut are actual human beings and not terrifying lizard people.


RJ10000009 t1_j9tiohr wrote

CT expat here - can confirm - we all Sleestags!


StateoFugue t1_j9q5dvi wrote

I was born in Vermont and I go to Stowe. I go to other mountains, but why would I not go to one of the best mountains in the state? Not to mention Bolton is right next door. They are a perfect pair.


thebadpixel t1_j9ln46e wrote

I like Stowe in the summer. Excellent mountain bike trails, and hiking on Mansfield, and camping in the notch SP are family favorites. Winter, I go elsewhere because that's clearly when the Connecticut fascists come out of their closets.