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FyuckerFjord t1_j86cwmq wrote

NGL, wasn't expecting those ages.


casewood123 t1_j88mzbk wrote

I’m not really surprised actually. Old guys have memories of being able to drive cars out there, and think that things are still the same. Their mobility is restricted too. So they resort to mechanical means to get around. I’ve met a lot of old timers out there that believe climate change is bullshit. I remember being able to fish from around Christmas to Saint Patrick’s day. But that hasn’t happened in at least ten years now.


VT_Racer t1_j89he27 wrote

It's how I'd want to go TBH. If you get to live to that age and your choices were to go out doing what you love or be bed ridden and wither away slowly, give me the former. Not that I'd purposely neglect safety to go out, but people do make mistakes.


casewood123 t1_j89mxn2 wrote

Same here. I watched my father wither away in a hospital bed not knowing who he was anymore because of the toxins in his brain from kidney failure.


1maco t1_j8d0keh wrote

I’d like to point out people are often wrong about those things.

Like I remember my parents dating there was always snow of Christmas. While where they were from in the 70s it was snowy 7-10 Christmases they had a white Christmas once in the 1980s. If you look at the stats.

So when people say “we used to ice fish on Christmas” they really mean “ice ice fishes on Christmas before”

Not sure about Vermont but I know Concird, Worcester and Boston the 2010s was the snowiest decade on record. But old folk will say it was snowier when they were kids. When it wasn’t


casewood123 t1_j8d6eju wrote

So what you’re telling me is that you remember my experience better than I do. My memory isn’t that short. I would consistently ice fish out in front of Eagle Mountain in Milton every year when I lived in Georgia around Christmas time. This was the mid-1990s. I lived there for 10 years. I remember because I would always have fish for New Year’s Eve. Thanks for your input.


hoooch t1_j86pj3p wrote

Honestly, I’m kinda not surprised. The last several incidents like this I remember hearing about all involved elderly people in vehicles who couldn’t exit


FyuckerFjord t1_j86sahb wrote

I was thinking more like they'd have the experience to know unsafe ice. But also two of them on one vehicle struck me as odd. You don't see too many septa/octogenarians zipping around on machines, one riding on the back. At least I don't?


hoooch t1_j86vl89 wrote

Yeah I don’t get that part either. Sounds like they were in a side by side, like a RZR, so they would both be sitting in an open cockpit


landodk t1_j8aduff wrote

Their experience is probably not with the weather we have now with 50 degrees change from one week to the next with rain in between