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skiitifyoucan t1_j88w38q wrote

I'm no expert on ice but I see people fishing at our local small lake when it has not been really very cold (plenty deep to not be able to stand ) and wonder what they are thinking.. The water under the ice on this lake is moving by the way . i would imagine that makes it less stable.


Corey307 t1_j88ydd5 wrote

People often don’t pay attention to much of anything, this time of year should be perfectly safe to go out on ice but it’s been about 30° warmer than it should be most days for the last month. Others are just stubborn, others don’t understand that bad things can happen to them.


casewood123 t1_j89428h wrote

I’ve had the ice pull away from the shoreline from the time I went out to the time I went back to get off. Luckily there was another spot to get off.