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ScrodLeader t1_j91378k wrote

I’m not sure about the YouTube channel you’re referring to but I certainly wouldn’t let dogs roam free like that. In the town I grew up in we had a few neighbors who wouldn’t hesitate to shoot strays if they were on their property.


whaletacochamp t1_j915au4 wrote

Strays or the neighbors dog who happened to get out? There’s a difference


ScrodLeader t1_j915pgf wrote

Unfortunately it didn’t make a difference to them. We always kept our dog on a tie out.


RestinRIP1990 t1_j915hf7 wrote

Yeah ones just psychos pleasure killing.


polarbearrape t1_j917xos wrote

I mean... I've threatened to shoot my neighbors dog before. But his dogs are aggressive gaurd dogs and he let's them run free on my property.


RestinRIP1990 t1_j918mby wrote

Well that's one thing for sure, can't really have aggressive dogs running around endangering people . However it does seem some itch fot the chance.


polarbearrape t1_j918zjv wrote

Yea, im I gun owner and target shoot but fuck I hate that "I want an excuse to shoot something" attitude. I'd really rather not have to hike my property with a gun. It's not comfortable.


whaletacochamp t1_j938moc wrote

Fair point. I’ve done the same and the dogs aren’t strays.


roborob11 t1_j91hs2s wrote

This is vicious and cruel and you’re being upvoted.
