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Full_Whereas_2694 t1_j915pvi wrote

It’s more common if you live near wooded areas. For some reason it’s legal to tree bears with dogs even out of hunting season. So people do it for…fun? People have gps collars on their dogs and just let them run. If the dogs are chasing livestock or deer I think it’s legal to shoot them. Really weird and dumb part of our hunting culture.


ninjamansidekick t1_j92juwq wrote

My sister lives out west, she has lot more than one dog to a farmer not taking kindly to her dogs chasing cattle.


HeadPen5724 t1_j93y6uu wrote

There is an early season where you can let your dogs hunt, but are not allowed to harvest the animal. It’s allows for training of the dogs.

You can not shoot a dog chasing a deer. A game warden can, but a normal person can not.