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batesbeach t1_j91cv42 wrote

Fuck hounds men. Run bears and cougars even out of season. Nice sportsmanship! Assholes Fuck your family traditions. Tree your kids instead of wildlife minding their own business.


Fonceday2001 t1_j95488o wrote

My family tradition is to steal anything we want with no consequences, why are these liberal snowflakes triggered by our ancient rituals?


somedudevt t1_j92n1g0 wrote

This is idiotic. Hounds men are the single best tool wildlife managers have to reduce human bear conflict. Unless you want Toto to be eaten by the local black bear when he breaks into the house, you should respect what houndsmen do to instill a healthy fear of humans and dogs in the bear population. Sure it’s probably scary for the bear, but that’s the point.


Northwoods01 t1_j9442kh wrote

You're 100% right, and I don't understand why you're being down-voted. Predatory species need to have some level of fear of humans to avoid animal attacks. I don't think these bizzare outraged people understand that bears are actually carnivorous when it suits them.


biologistbailey- t1_j98n1jb wrote

Uh huh. I really want to laugh at your comment, but I don’t want to laugh at someone in need of mental health.
