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somedudevt t1_j92mohr wrote

Morgan Gold is a giant pile of human excrement. Moves here from the city, buys a bunch of land (100+ acres) while working corporate gig. Pretends to be just this little farmer, but in reality he is a rich guy from out of state who has worked high level corporate communications jobs for big companies. He came here, and is trying to change the state. He intentionally creates conflict where none is needed in order to further his agenda against hunters. His land was not legally posted, and yet he treated a hunter who was ASKING FOR PERMISSION (being a responsible hunter) like the guy was somehow the devil for carrying on traditions as old as the state.


zoolilba OP t1_j930y8a wrote

Wasn't he asking permission as his uncontrolled dogs ran through the property. Just yards from Morgans livestock?


somedudevt t1_j93yrkw wrote

To pretend that this rich DC prick has “livestock” is just dumb. He has a farm so he can be an internet attention whore. He isn’t a farmer, he doesn’t need the animals, he isn’t homesteading. He has some ducks that he posts videos of online, and has convinced people that he is a real farmer. He moved from suburbia to buy farmland in VT and then immediately started to impose his DC agenda on the state. I’m progressive as they come when it comes to human rights, but for fuck sake, why come to a state and try to limit the freedom of the locals?

Also worth noting a typical bear dog is probably better trained than your typical 6 year old child. So sure these hounds ran onto his UNPOSTED land in pursuit of a bear, but they were no risk to any of his animals unless he was illegally keeping bears enclosed.


zoolilba OP t1_j95su8n wrote

He hunts himself. He just doesn't want uncontrolled dogs roaming his property stressing out his livestock. He can post it all he wants but dogs can't read.


somedudevt t1_j972s5i wrote

He claims to hunt. But let’s all be honest, he doesn’t. I’ve met him in person, right after this whole thing went down, I asked him what his feelings were on using dogs to find a wounded animal if that meant the dogs crossed onto his land, he said he would not let someone retrieve a legally shot animal that entered his land. He is NOT a sportsman.


trueg50 t1_j9669pl wrote

Pretty much. I think he left his job but he was a communications exec until recently.

I lost interest in his videos when they were just one fight/dispute after another and super click-bait-y.


Northwoods01 t1_j93xcs6 wrote

People moving in seem to think that hunting, trapping, and shooting are banned in Vermont? It's absolutely surreal. The outside idea of the state is so different from the actual state of VT that it's mind-boggling.