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OkWatermelonlesson19 t1_j8dsqcq wrote

As I said, I subbed for six years and I loved it. I left because sub pay isn’t sustainable.

Granted, I didn’t have the expectations on me that teachers do, BUT I had to deal with classroom management and some tough kids.

Those people on that sub should not be teaching.


historycat95 t1_j8efmut wrote

Equating subbing and teaching is a reach.

Subs don't do parent communication, they usually don't prepare lesson plans, they don't do grading, and classroom management is easier when you don't have to go back to those same kids eveey day, every week, every month after you have to confront poor behavior.

So don't judge people who are feeling burned out when they are doing FAR more than any sub and doing it for longer.

You're saying marathon runners shouldn't complain because you did a walk in the park when you wanted to.


OkWatermelonlesson19 t1_j8ehfia wrote

I didn’t equate them at all. You must have misinterpreted what I wrote. I said exactly the same thing you just did, just in different words. I said I didn’t have the expectations teachers do, you just spelled out this expectations. We’re all on the same side here.
