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sad0panda t1_jaael9p wrote

> The town auditor plays a vital role in preserving the democratic nature of Vermont’s local government by ensuring that local officials are accountable for their expenditures of the taxpayers’ money. It is the auditor’s job to review the accounts of local officials and report the findings directly to the taxpayers for review. Because this report is presented only days before town meeting, the statutory scheme envisions that if the taxpayers do not like what the auditors’ report indicates about how the officials have spent the taxpayers’ money; the officials will be voted out of office.

Sounds like time for a new town clerk. And maybe a call to the State Auditor's office...


CriscoCrispy t1_jaar7el wrote

This quote is referring to how town officials are spending collected taxes, not how the tax collector is handling the collections & bookkeeping. Nevertheless, this situation absolutely warrants having an auditor look at.


sad0panda t1_jaatmg1 wrote

I was waiting for someone to point that out :)

Nonetheless I felt it was still relevant.


roadmasterwagon t1_jab5kp9 wrote

I'd be curious to see the details of any payments or deposits from around the time that taxes were due, and also around anytime that they were eventually paid. This seems very peculiar to me. (I work in mortgage)


mobert_roses t1_jac40c0 wrote

There’s no reason you couldn’t request this info from the town. It might take them a minute to redact info on state pre-bates. Just submit a public information request or go to the Clerk’s office and ask in person.