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mobert_roses t1_jaaulxb wrote

This^. As a municipal finance person, I can tell you that the vast majority of those “delinquent taxes collected” for the 2021-2022 tax year were collected in the few days after they were due.


CriscoCrispy t1_jabcixv wrote

People paying at the last minute each year shouldn’t make the outstanding amount for the last fiscal year suddenly 5x higher than it was each of the prior 3 fiscal years.


mobert_roses t1_jac3wrw wrote

You are reading the table wrong. The outstanding delinquent taxes in the right column are as of Dec. 31st, 2022, not as of the last day of the calendar year when the taxes referred to were due. Delinquent taxes listed here from tax year 2020-2021 were at least 1.5 years late by Dec. 31st, 2022. This is why I’m encouraging OP to please do more research into the status of previous years’ taxes.


roadmasterwagon t1_jab5ved wrote

User name checks out


mobert_roses t1_jac46wx wrote

I’m seriously going to delete this Reddit account if I have to explain one more time that I do not and did not like Robert Moses but simply thought it was a little silly & a little goofy. And nichard_rixon was taken


roadmasterwagon t1_jac9t1c wrote

I don't think it suggests that you're an eminent domain supporter. Just someone who knows 20th century history and is also a little bit goofy. And it's better than dricky_tick anyhow.


71802VT t1_jacno8b wrote

Keep the name, it's great! Joke 'em if they can't take a... And yes, I concur most delinquent taxes are paid a shortly after they are delinquent.