Submitted by RamaSchneider t3_1113wz8 in vermont

So while we're on this topic of posting to r/vermont, let's do a compare of the objectionable content contained in posts as opposed to the objectionable content contained in responses. Facts are facts and Reddit keeps a reasonably good accounting of what everyone of us (timidly anonymous and bravely self-identifying) does on this site.

Let's let the posters do their thing and use the current rating scheme, but require that responders have a minimum Karma to respond. Better idea in my opinion.



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Rogers_Ebert t1_j8cvxqc wrote

We all know how much you'd love to talk while others listen.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j8cxh00 wrote

I find that to be an interesting take from someone who not only read what I wrote, but felt the need talk/write so others would listen/read. Perhaps you would care to elucidate a bit?

I'm not a "drive by" poster - I've participated in a number of conversations within this subreddit, and I certainly don't waste my time insulting other posters just for the sake of insulting other posters.


RanikG t1_j8d1hvs wrote

Not enjoying the trolling and negative feedback you’ve been getting lately from your incessant posting?


-_Stove_- t1_j8dbfc8 wrote

Lol, from the individual who created r/PoliticsVermont a month ago, and posts there incessantly.


cpujockey t1_j8dw8qu wrote

VTGOP called and confirmed - you're not even on their radar.


Eagle_Arm t1_j8d9wan wrote

When you say, "facts are facts," what you mean is, "my opinions are facts and if you disagree with it, you're wrong....and you're dumb....and you should be ashamed of yourself for being so dumb....and your mother was a hamster.....and your father smelt of elderberries!"


joycethegod t1_j8frh6e wrote

Well there are certain facts. Like 1 plus 2 equals 3. But I’m sure the future generations will have some way to dispute that even and call it Numberistic or something.


anusty t1_j8d4k0n wrote

Suggest having rules that anyone who says anything should be banned. Alternatively, give up censorship.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8frrkg wrote

That involves Mods relinquishing their power and history has told us how well that go's when the ruling class is confronted.


cpujockey t1_j8j7xeo wrote

considering the mods are all blue collar and decent people - your argument holds no merit and is flawed.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8l5kj3 wrote

A reddit mod is a reddit mod and I'm sure plenty would disagree with you. You have no argument therefor have no merit.


Dadfart802 t1_j8dyfj8 wrote

Your fragility and attempts to restrict speech you don’t like is a great example of why Republicans have any relevancy at all.


somedudevt t1_j8ftlrw wrote

NAILED IT! It’s SJW types that make liberals seem like fucking pussies. We can’t get that whiny part of the ideology to shut the fuck up and stop telling everyone why their ancestors were bad, and that men and women are the same long enough to let the policies the ideology supports be effective.

The culture war shit is real and we are losing. It can’t be burn it all down because we dislike a little part, it has to be accept that incremental change is necessary. We should not cut off our nose to spite our face, but that’s what people who live in the echo chamber are doing.


Dadfart802 t1_j8fy8li wrote

Yup, the mindset that if you like Trump, then you’re evil or a moron. I’m not willing to write off 73 million people. Maybe 30, but not 73 and we lose the culture war that way.


somedudevt t1_j8fz9u0 wrote

I mean if I’m honest with myself I do think that liking trump makes one a moron. But that’s because he is a liar and a hypocrite and a generally unAmerican bag of jizz infused feces. But liking what he says about China, or trade, or a bunch of other things doesn’t. The one I think has a pulse on what the slipping liberals want to hear though is Desantis. I hate the guy, but he is right on a lot of the education stuff. We don’t need to teach 7 year olds about gender or sexuality. Liberals win if it’s about equality, the majority agree that people have innate rights. The majority don’t agree that we need to have a catalog of different options for 9 year olds to pick from to decide who they will be sexually and gender wise. Trans exists and it is a naturally occurring thing, but it’s not something that needs to be advertised to create confusion in people that are too young to reason and understand.


ceiffhikare t1_j8fhex0 wrote

>why Republicans have any relevancy at all

That is mostly due to the christian-nationalists and the hundred dollariares who simp for the billionaires they fantasize about being while doing an endless grind into obscurity with their daily lives.


cpujockey t1_j8j886h wrote

NuRepublicans are not part of the evangelical right.


ceiffhikare t1_j8d2fdf wrote

Can we please stop the damn gate keeping BS?! I WANT to know that 40% of the commenters LOVE dogs, and i want to hear from those like me who think they are...over rated to be kind,lol. I want to know that if someone i care about comes out as LGBT where they can find community and where they prob. should go in stealth mode. How to make the places we live in better cause the SOB's we elect never seem to do a GD thing to help main street out.

Let everyone speak, screw the fake internet point BS.


Eagle_Arm t1_j8d7xmy wrote

I don't remember this issue when the posts were 90% dogs!

Bring back simpler times. Bring back the dogs!


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8dn5k9 wrote

Classic gate keeping. Amplifying voices of those who “qualify” while silencing those voices on the margin who the anointed have deemed as “unqualified”.

What’s next? Are you gonna suggest red lining as a way to improve housing quality and a poll taxes as a way to ensure only “educated” people vote?


precursive t1_j8edtkq wrote

Though I have seen folks post misinformation, disinformation, laughably wrong information masquerading as fact, opinions that I disagree with, and even some words which repulse me to my very core, not once here have I ever thought "that person should not be permitted to talk."

We can downvote, we can countercomment, we can block folks, we can just ignore and go on with our day. There is a mechanism for reporting egregious harrassment and whatnot.

Even the bots don't bother me, it gives me a chance to be like "wtf?!! Oh, its a bot... haha... almost got me there, User93736642".

It's all good.

What problem are you trying to solve??


somedudevt t1_j8fsxzk wrote

I’m left of Bernie, but seeing your posts every day makes me want to vote for Trump. I can understand when seeing totally obnoxious SJWs why people like Ron Desantis get elected, and why places like Ohio become strong holds for republicans. Liberals need to shut the fuck up once and awhile and let out policies speak for themselves.

Also I post Asshole comments like this regularly that get down voted here to hell, but I have what I’d imagine is across Reddit above average overall karma score so the idea that karma in any way impacts whether someone posts a retarded opinion or thought is just dumb.


BettyLouWho318 t1_j8gl5fk wrote

Hahaha 🤣 facts. But even if you are more left than Bernie these people couldn’t care less, anyone who disagrees is trump/hitler.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j8de9cy wrote

Only in The state sub that belongs to Vermont…

Do redditors discuss sub bots with in-depth understanding.


Twombls t1_j8foqc9 wrote

So only the normal trolls get to comment on something?


Ill-Nerve-3154 t1_j8k5wyl wrote

Gatekeeping, gatekeeping, you don't have to post it!


RamaSchneider OP t1_j8et44k wrote

It's satirical irony you bunch of dumb bunnies.


-_Stove_- t1_j8f4ag0 wrote

Ah, yes, the old "They'll listen if I insult them" ruse.