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TheQueenCars t1_j8elfi1 wrote

What is with people being so cruel now a days? Plenty of people dont pay attention to social media and crap, many like to get outside and live- you know how most Vermonters have always been. It was a damn fishing derby, if the ice was THAT thin and dangerous the officials should of cancelled it.

Losing people is never a joking matter, no wonder Vermont has become such a mess lately if people have attitudes like that.


Commercial_Case_7475 t1_j8emg4m wrote

Tbh I didn't even read the article when I posted my first comment. The context of that is actually quite sad. My apologies, I was just referring to people going out on their own accord. Gotta be smart about it or don't take the risk.


CorrectFall6257 t1_j8lkw8y wrote

Exactly. I worked with Wayne (62 yr old victim) many years ago. He was an avid outdoorsman and good man who died doing exactly what he loved. He was a father, husband, brother to those who loved. A hard worker. Everyone is so fuckn perfect and never makes a mistake. Some get away with it, and some don't. I hope no one who is joking never loses someone because of a mistake. I agree with you. NOT a joking matter.