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Jenifearless t1_j8hp0mb wrote

So Vermont, calling the police, not even on the list 😆


whaletacochamp t1_j8iu6aa wrote

Not Vermont at all because "engaging the burglar in your socially unaware/deprived conversation until he bores and tries his hardest to leave" and "get yer gun" are not options.


happyonthehill802 t1_j8hr0su wrote

4/5 of my neighbors would pull into my driveway and confront any suspicious activity. I would do the same. No need to draw a weapon unless the "theif" is a threat, but you better believe i have one on me.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i68oc wrote

Why the fear porn post?


Fantastic_Painter_15 t1_j8ify8d wrote

If you haven’t noticed Rama seems to have a pretty clear agenda. Their posts here are all something like this


cpujockey t1_j8j8vyb wrote

> Rama seems to have a pretty clear agenda


/u/RamaSchneider - y u do dis bb?


1T-Nerd t1_j8jrte7 wrote

Karma farming by the looks of it. Might be a legit person running it but 12K Karma in a month. Jesus. Like someone said above: Go Outside. Touch grass.


cpujockey t1_j8jtuog wrote

I'm still trying to figure out the implications of karma farming. Like what does this afford? I know that I have quite a bit of banked up karma but it's never done any good for me!


FyuckerFjord t1_j8hkq84 wrote

Trick question - I can't come home late at night one summer day.



RamaSchneider OP t1_j8hn2jk wrote

A day is 24 hours, right?


FyuckerFjord t1_j8i1uqm wrote

From when? And on what planet? How late is late? 1am is the next day in your situation, so how can I tell? Inadequate information. In all the confusion the burglar slipped off into the night/day.


Embonious t1_j8hp4cf wrote

My dad had to break into our friends' house to fix a broken furnace when they were out of town. I'm glad their neighbors didn't shoot him.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j8hs4oe wrote

So anyways, I started blasting


VTPeWPeW247 t1_j8i93qx wrote

F you Rama. Shouldn’t you be turning in your neighbors for something instead of posting trash on Reddit?


StillWearsCrocs t1_j8hopdx wrote

Grab your pliers, sneak over, and yank a valve stem or two from their car tires.

Call police, sit inside your comfy house, make popcorn and wait for the show.


WeeGreyCat t1_j8ho88w wrote

Can I just turn my phone light on, walk over and politely say “so-and-so’s not home. How do you know them?” Most thieves would probably give up right then. No need for violence.


Norse-Gael-Heathen t1_j8hum2v wrote

How about the basic "Confront" as a choice - "Hey buddy, whaddaya doin'?"


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8huem4 wrote

I can’t see any of my neighbors houses from mine or from the road. If I come home and notice someone breaking into their house, first thing I’m gonna do is wonder why I didn’t notice I’m not at my house… Oh wait, am I the burglar everyone else is noticing? This is some existential stuff man. Why do I gotta be breaking into peoples homes? 1, I already got too much crap. 2, I’m lazy as fuck and that sounds like a lot of work.


whaletacochamp t1_j8iuhal wrote

Is this supposed to be a shit post or what? Pretty bad one if so.

I have 4 neighbors, we all look out for each other. We had a break in two years ago and the whole road was on high alert for months afterward. Ended up catching a dude stealing our parcel locker with a trail camera!


skiitifyoucan t1_j8iqs6b wrote

One time our neighbor went out of town and told us to keep an eye on their house, but failed to mention to us that the OTHER neighbor would be feeding their fish or cat or something like that. First we called the neighbor and asked... could there be ANYONE in your house? No nobody should be in our house.

So yes we did call the VSP. Then had to do the whole NEVERMIND thing.


cpujockey t1_j8ilzj3 wrote

Call the police, pull out my EDC and tell the mother fucker to get out.

Do not shoot unless threatened, but stay vigilant. It's my home mother fucker - they aint stealing shit.


lantonas t1_j8jmuj1 wrote

I'd walk out on the balcony, put that double-barreled shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house


HardTacoKit t1_j8i7a2q wrote

This is r-worded.

Why isn’t “call the police” on the list?


cpujockey t1_j8im5lv wrote

> “call the police”



HardTacoKit t1_j8j8dtu wrote

I’m white. But I’d definitely hesitate to call the cops in many situations if I wasn’t.


cpujockey t1_j8j8p70 wrote

> But I’d definitely hesitate to call the cops in many situations if I wasn’t.

We don't. Shit the mrs got pulled over last night for having a head light out, no registration or insurance on hand and they didn't even ticket her! St. Albans police at that! She just has to get the problem fixed and send her missing information to the PD.


Twombls t1_j8i7e6g wrote

Call the cops?

Outside of burlington they might even respond!


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_j8ija3h wrote

You don't have a voting option for "Rack a shell and ask your god for forgiveness".


SilverKelpie t1_j8ipm03 wrote

Call the neighbors. "Heeeyyy, is there a rational explanation for why someone appears to be trying to break into your home?"


Human802 t1_j8j92jw wrote

So what information is this post trying to find?


RobertJoseph802 t1_j8mbrdw wrote

Rama is a shitstirring troll....ignore this toolbag


JMChaseArt t1_j8j68rb wrote

I feel like calling the police is probably the best option..which is shockingly not on this list


casewood123 t1_j8klf0f wrote

When I got broken into it took them over two hours to come. And I live 2 miles from the barracks.


McGrupp1979 t1_j8lllqq wrote

Here is my neighbor Nursitan Tuliagby. He is pain in my asshole. I get a window from glass, he must get a window from glass.

I see house burglar, I go help.


papercranium t1_j8j8lql wrote

This happened to me once, although not super late at night. I snapped a photo and texted my neighbor to see if there was someone supposed to be working on her house and it turned out to be the pest removal dudes she hired.


oldbeardedtech t1_j8nahh9 wrote

No "Hey bud whatchyauptoo?" option

Flawed poll


halfbakedblake t1_jacpt7z wrote

My buddy had this happen two nights in a row in Barnet. Caught the guy multiple times on his property. In the Garage, in porch trying to get in, carriage house etc.

Two nights in a row, no police. This is why he owns a gun. After he pulled it, they did not come back. Love that we have 2 state police to cover a small ass area and they don't even bother to do a follow up to see if he was hurt or if he killed the guy.


[deleted] t1_j8hiy49 wrote



jsled t1_j8hmlve wrote

> shoot in air,

Don't fire warning shots, don't fire into the air.

> If I see him reach for anything he gets shot. In the head.

Aim for center-mass, not "the head".


BudsKind802 t1_j8ienxr wrote

Jeezum, this guy above why casual gun owners make me nervous. At least this guy should get some training before brandishing a weapon, starting with the 4 rules


cpujockey t1_j8imbb9 wrote

you are correct. Shooting the air does nothing but cause potential unintended consequences, aiming for the head is not an easy shot and can cause unintended consequences. Center mass is king.


Hobbes802 t1_j8hvttt wrote

And this is how you end up in jail. It's not your property and shooting someone over a property issue is generally not going to win in court. Has to be threat to YOUR life.


cpujockey t1_j8inxss wrote

> It's not your property and shooting someone over a property issue is generally not going to win in court

Well if someone is breaking into your home - you should never shoot first, make your presence known, and be armed. Whether it be a firearm or a baseball bat, do not engage the home invader without having some sort of assurance. it's best to call the police first and then try to get an idea of what's going on.

under no circumstances should any of us just take a home invasion lightly. these are real legit crimes and I do not care how disenfranchised a person is. they hungry? - steal from a grocery store or do the lawful thing and go to a food shelf. Need drugs? steal from a fucking dept store, not a persons' home.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j8hnq9h wrote

Why would you shoot them?

I hate Socratic arguments, so I'll skip to what I see as a major flaw in your reaction: you're willing to shoot and kill somebody simply because you don't recognize them.


cpujockey t1_j8in16n wrote

> Why would you shoot them?

why invade my home? why steal my things? why incite fear in the hearts of two PoC's?

I refuse to let anyone break into my home and rummage through my family's things as if they are their own. We moved away from burlington to expressly avoid these incursions. There is no level of sympathy for those who break through locked doors and shuttered windows for their own gain, the only exception being that of a family member or someone mentally disabled.

I don't shoot first, but I am going to ask questions with a weapon drawn.


NevaehW8 t1_j8idi4t wrote

I think you should relearn gun safety bud.