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Sea_Drama_5958 t1_j8j7kl6 wrote

How about get an education and find a better job


JaxBratt t1_j8jam6n wrote

A society that only rewards MBAs, software engineers, and investment bankers can’t exist. Your “solution” fails to acknowledge we’re all dependent on the “uneducated” and “bad” jobs you’re implicitly shitting on and expecting everyone to wave a magic wand and free themselves from. Who’s picking up your trash in your myopic utopia?


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j8jdxvn wrote

They'll yell that from the rooftops and then, with no sense of irony at all, complain about not being able to hire any help...


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8ji6p9 wrote

You know… It’s an odd person who sees education as something that can only be gained in a college degree. Gotta wonder where the licensed electrician learned their craft. I suppose the carpenters in your area just fumble around till the house stops falling over. Impossible to “learn” a job huh…. Even the fella who empties your trash received an education on how to do it. But sure, MBAs…


JaxBratt t1_j8jjbjw wrote

Your criticism of my specific comment might reflect on your education as you’re missing the context and thus misinterpreting my statement. Read it again in the context of the thread and maybe reconsider your reactive reply.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8jk33u wrote

What context did you mean when you explicitly and clearly said >Your “solution” fails to acknowledge we’re all dependent on the “uneducated” and “bad” jobs you’re implicitly shitting on

What uneducated job are you referring to beyond the garbage collector you mentioned?


JaxBratt t1_j8jlljw wrote

You appear to be attacking my comment when it’s in response to the person shitting on those jobs. Maybe I’m in fact misreading you but if you’re implying that I’m considering those jobs uneducated or bad you’re missing something.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8jmy8w wrote

You clearly assume education means MBA, software engineering and investment banking. By your own words, education is only derived through college degrees not on the job training. But sure, I missed something. Have a great day!


JaxBratt t1_j8jvf6u wrote

WTF are you talking about? Yes you are definitely missing something and letting your own cognitive blindness cause you to project your oddly derived meaning into my statement. You struggle with reading comprehension it seems.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8k4yhb wrote

LOL. Gotta love people who cannot clearly express their points and then blame everyone else for not “getting it”. Good night.


Trajikbpm t1_j8kscrp wrote

Nice projection. I wasn't gonna butt in but you clearly missed the point and couldn't even catch it when it hit you in the chest.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8ksgpm wrote

I missed the point that Jax went off on quotes he made up. Yeah… Must have.


Narrow_Ad_7671 t1_j8k5vm4 wrote

> A society that only rewards MBAs, software engineers, and investment bankers can’t exist.

My man, there’s more to education than formal degrees. Try again.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8k82hr wrote

Good luck with that windmill!


Narrow_Ad_7671 t1_j8kax79 wrote

Nah, dude creates a scenario with fake quotes he made up and attributed to the other guy. Then tries to turn it around and say you don’t understand. BS. Dude is a choad who trolls.


Rogers_Ebert t1_j8joxb5 wrote

Except that doesn't happen. There tons of opportunity out there you just have to have the gumption to train for it. Vermont is incredibly generous with in-state tuition aids and access to great educational resources. They're all not limited to a college degree either there are plenty of certification programs.

It certainly isn't waving a magic wand and takes some work and sacrifice, however if you fall into a certain socio-economic bracket you can and most likely will qualify for aid.

Also success isn't limited to artisans like you claim. Instead if you can work as a team and do support work you can find yourself as an integral part of a successful endeavor.


Trajikbpm t1_j8j8ddl wrote

There's always one of you.


Sea_Drama_5958 t1_j8j9fi0 wrote

I can only recommend what worked for me. Your much more likely to be able to improve your situation by putting the work in on your own life than holding out for some fabulous legislative solution that likely will never happen.


Trajikbpm t1_j8j9w9h wrote

Meanwhile in another post you trash the education system.

College takes money and jobs don't pay.

Your simple troll comment is lacking the reality of the situation completely.


Sea_Drama_5958 t1_j8jad85 wrote

Lol I graduated with over 100k in student loans, no one paid my way. My first job didn’t pay much but I didn’t quit and the second one paid more and the third one more than that, ect. If you’re not willing to invest time and effort into your future you’ll just stay here, arguing with me in the comments :)


Trajikbpm t1_j8jb53s wrote

How old are you? And your unoriginal right wing trolling is tired. Yawwwn.

But seriously how old are you? it will put your experience in context.

So you have a degree paid off your debt and lived the American dream yet you're here on reddit making anti Trans jokes?


cpujockey t1_j8jbfrx wrote

I don't have an education. What you making? I am pulling $80k.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8jo64h wrote

You have an education, you merely lack a formal degree. Very different things.


cpujockey t1_j8jp0sf wrote

I was under the impression that being a high school graduate was not an education and that to be educated that it would require me to have at least an associates degree.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8k4odp wrote

Anything you learn adds to your education, be it a binary search tree in CS 201 or the national electrical code on a job site.


cpujockey t1_j8k5qf1 wrote

I have a certification from ubiquiti for wireless broadband and FIS fiber installer. That's all recent though.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8k7yhe wrote

Certifications certainly count. Presumably some one taught you your job via on the job training. All that is educational. Perhaps not a formal classroom education, but still. Some colleges and universities even give life experience credits for things learned outside a formal classroom. It’s all education. Point being there are several official english dictionary definitions for “education”, but only one specifically points out schools and even then it uses the modifier “especially” but not “only at”