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KingKababa t1_j8nhfr6 wrote

How do they throw act 250 at them? I thought the property would already have to be subject to act 250 for it to take effect?


[deleted] t1_j8nneab wrote

Just because one lot in an area gets approved, does not mean a nearby property meets the same requirements: One property vs. another in the same area may be closer to wetland buffers, river corridors; it might be at a different elevation and lay partially within a floodplain or near a protected watershed or animal habitat... I have even seen development stopped because the new development would block the view of the landscape beyond from existing homes. I have even seen lawsuits where the purchaser of land from a farm sued the farmer afterwards because of the smell of the manure was too unpleasant for them. (As if they didn't know that would be a consideration before they built there!)


KingKababa t1_j8s4ija wrote

Damn, that's real shitty (hah). Thanks for the explanation!


SabbathBoiseSabbath t1_j8rpxhn wrote

You're just throwing shit at a wall at this point. People can file lawsuits over anything they want, and unless you somehow completely revamp the judicial system in this country, there's nothing you can do to stop them. You hope that if their case is BS it gets thrown out early by a motion to dismiss or eventually on summary judgment, and that the court awards sanctions or fees, but that still requires a defendant to litigate