Submitted by WCDavison t3_113wlf9 in vermont

Other than online, where can I find the best selection of garden seeds? I'm looking for less common varieties - so I haven't been very impressed with the hardware store chains. Mainly interested in the Addison and Chittenden county area.

Two places that I like are in Middlebury.

  • Agway - claims to have the largest seed selection in the county. They carry a half-dozen companies, ranging from budget to premium.
  • Paris Farmer Union - not the earliest to put their seeds out. But the store has an old-time feel, and besides the packets they sell some seeds by weight out of mason jars.


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Full_Whereas_2694 t1_j8sr0jq wrote

You’re not going to get rare varieties in the stores, pretty much have to order online. Fedco out of Maine is my favorite but Jonny’s and High Mowing are good northern suitable sources. Baker Creek out of Missouri is great for heirlooms. Also post on your local FPF for seed Swaps, that’s a great way to get your hands on rare stuff without having to buy much quantity


WCDavison OP t1_j8u50mo wrote

I hadn't seen Baker Creek before - they look great! Lots of interesting varieties, and free shipping with no minimum.


Shortyrawk t1_j8u2e1i wrote

This is the kind of VT content I signed up for


8valvegrowl t1_j8sqba1 wrote

My folks have always ordered via the High Mowing Seeds catalog every winter, I do the same myself. Then I go to Gardener's Supply to pick up anything I wasn't able to get from the catalog.


nomadicbohunk t1_j8spbek wrote

Online is best.

Gardener's supply has some good stuff earlier on. You've got to keep checking. They get things in as time goes on.

We grow some really weird stuff, so we might be looking for different things than you. But we usually get 20-25 or so packets locally each year.


WCDavison OP t1_j8syvit wrote

Sounds like I need to put Gardener's Supply on my list when I get up north.

I order online when I can get most of what I want from the same place. But for those last couple things on the list - you either pay annoyingly high shipping for 1-2 packets, or else try to find something locally.


PerennialPangolin t1_j8tadvp wrote

Out of curiosity, what are the last couple things on your list?


WCDavison OP t1_j8tg3mr wrote

Brussels Sprouts - I'm keeping my eye out for Diablo or Jade Cross. Have seen them recommended by a couple northern writers.

Winter squash - looking for a decent-tasting C. moschata since I've got borers. Waltham butternut does well, just want something else for variety.


NotaReal_Sheepherder t1_j8sqj1t wrote

Look online for High Mowing Organics seed Company. They are a Vermont based company and they have a really great and unique selection. You will be able to find them at Aubuchon hardware, Dandelion Acres in Bethel(really great place to get plants also btw), and there are other Vermont locations listed on their website.


WCDavison OP t1_j8std1n wrote

>Dandelion Acres in Bethel(

Good idea about checking the High Mowing store list. Places that sell their stuff might be likely to have other interesting things.


njpanther t1_j8udq6t wrote

An underutilized source for seeds may actually be your local library, depending on where you live. Our town library in Jericho has a “seed library” for members to borrow seeds. Other than that, Johnny’s, Fedco, or High Mowing.


AngryVermonter t1_j8th6p5 wrote

Johnny’s seeds in Winslow Maine are another great seed source.


ojhatsman t1_j8tn77z wrote

That’s what I was going to suggest, never been let down by them


seanner_vt2 t1_j8spv5u wrote

Gardner's Supply carries seeds. Not sure of the brands. High Mowing Seeds out of Wolcott sells online and in local stores like Aubuchon & Ace. Check your library too for seeds. Some do seed exchanges or get donations from seed companies to hand out


bobcat1911 t1_j8tf2mu wrote

I buy only from ebay, you get seeds that are usually harvested by other gardeners and the price is far less than buying in a store, I've been doing this for the past 5 years and I've never had any bad results.


WCDavison OP t1_j8tpbcs wrote

I've done some of that. Generally went well, but maybe 10% of the time I thought the seeds weren't great (poor germination). You've gotta be a trusting soul when you get those tiny little ziplocs with no writing on them, not even a date...


bobcat1911 t1_j8ttpod wrote

The ones I have received are always labeled and the current date is usually on them, I've never had an issue and getting just a few seeds rather than buying a huge amount from major seed producers is definitely cheaper.


suzi-r t1_j8voh83 wrote

Ask at yr local co-op


Stockmom42 t1_j8ugq74 wrote

Not sure what your looking for but we have gotten some really fun berries and fruit trees from gurneys.


Nutmegdog1959 t1_j8uxiv1 wrote

Go see Tom at High Mowing. He is an adventure. ALL his seeds are guaranteed. There are few people like him around here or anywhere.


willowbeest t1_j8wtffx wrote

Hudson Valley Seeds is local-ish, and they have a lot of interesting things too! Many local places carry their seeds, but you can also order online:


WCDavison OP t1_j8x4ue9 wrote

Thanks. Are there any local places you want to mention, that carry less common things?

That was my original hope for this thread - where do you go when you want to browse interesting seed packets in person. I mentioned a couple places in Middlebury, and others brought up Gardener's Supply as well as a place in Bethel.


willowbeest t1_j8x9ndg wrote

Just looking through the comments since earlier, many of the places I would recommend have been mentioned. If you make a trip up to Burlington area for Gardener's Supply, check out City Market (the one on Flynn Ave), because they sometimes have a few different seed vendors' stuff on display.

I'd also say check out Red Wagon Plants (Hinesburg) and GreenHaven (New Haven), but I don't think either of them are open for the season yet.

Finally, I'll say that I heard this scuttlebutt on a gardening forum I'm on: Baker Creek Seeds is a right-wing company with some fundo-Christian background stuff going one beneath their (very lovely) veneer. They do have tons of weird things though, and I used to order from them a lot, but now I'm having second thoughts about it. Not sure if this matters to you or anyone else reading this, but I just wanted to share in case it does.

Happy growing!


WCDavison OP t1_j8xyw6d wrote

>Red Wagon Plants (Hinesburg)

Thanks, some good ideas in there. I've gotten lots of good veggie starts from GreenHaven, but I usually try to get my seed purchases done before they open in the spring. In that area, I've also gotten good starts from Pine Tree Gardens in Bristol.


willowbeest t1_j91p9ya wrote

Nice! I'll have to check out Pine Tree. I'm always up for more plant adventures!