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kosmonautinVT t1_jaohx3d wrote

Maybe you could get a statement from the mechanic, a sample of the contaminated gasoline (I think the gas will float on top of left undisturbed), and sue them in small claims court?

Edit: receipt or credit charge from the gas station would be good to have too


No-Establishment3083 OP t1_jaoj3e8 wrote

Tbh suing them for 400$ is not really worth it for me because of time and energy, I work FT, travel and I am a student. It happened and sucked but I know better now. I am gathering my evidence and using it to continue my report to the State Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets and the Gulf company. I'd rather see them investigated and having some type of consequences and stop this from happening to others. If it results in some type of refund then that would be great but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.


kosmonautinVT t1_jaolga9 wrote

Should only take a day... Probably worth it unless you're getting paid $50+ an hour.

I can understand not wanting more hassle though, but damn I would want retribution


Chess_Not_Checkers t1_jaqpjsf wrote

The court part might only take a day but there will be hours and hours of commitment before you ever get there.


beatrixotter t1_japzb3t wrote

You would be suing for the cost of the auto repair, the cost of the gas, court filing fees, and any other associated costs. Seems worth the time to me. Here's some info on getting started with small claims court:

Suing them would give them consequences and help stop it happening from others.


No-Establishment3083 OP t1_jaqrycy wrote

I will definitely look into it, probably would help cover the hours of work I had to miss afterwards too since I was on break when it happened.