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HappilyhiketheHump t1_jb59r1n wrote

Reply to comment by cpujockey in School districts by [deleted]

If the OP is bidding on houses in Stowe, they are doing ok on the cash front and most likely have their finances sorted. Hiring a realtor, a professional who’s job and career peer connections is to know all the info the OP asked, is the right move. Additionally, an experienced realtor will know of properties before the come to market.

Edit: spelling


cpujockey t1_jb5blm3 wrote

> an experienced realtor will know of properties before the come to market.

That's a realtor that's hired at a brokerage - not just some jackass off the street with a finished Randy Mayhew class and realestate license.

You want an Agent that has industry contacts and an ear to the ground - you need to go with an agent that is a member of a brokerage.