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vtmtct t1_jeae9cu wrote

Sounds like another communist wet dream. Always class warfare. But how about just no new fees for anyone? Just once I’d love to see fees like this come down due to something like increased operational efficiency. Most of this stuff is processed on computers now


General_Salami t1_jeaesin wrote

It’s not class warfare it’s shifting a cost burden to those who can truly afford it. If you’re living in excess you can afford to pay into services, which should be streamlined to be made as cost-effective and efficient as possible. It’s a both and scenario. Trickle down economics doesn’t work


emalmalone t1_jeaevmv wrote

Do you know what communism is lmao?


vtmtct t1_jeah5fu wrote

Why don’t you educate me? Or perhaps let’s hear your endorsement of class warfare


emalmalone t1_jeahbj9 wrote

not worth anyone’s time trying to explain anything to you lmao


PPOKEZ t1_jebbkn7 wrote

It’s not class warfare. The rich have already won.


Harmacc t1_jebkx2h wrote

There is no war but the class war.

Keep licking those boots. I’m sure one day you’ll be in the class you pretend to be in now.


FyuckerFjord t1_jear4i0 wrote

Class warfare is the millionaire and billionaire politicians making tax and economic policy for the nation even though they don't know the price of milk.

Class warfare is almost all new wealth going straight to the top while families struggle to make ends meet.

Class warfare is big pharma using tax-payer money to research and develop life-saving drugs that they turn around and mark-up 10,000% to where the people who paid to develop it now can't afford it and die.

Stop regurgitating phrases and words you hear on Fox News.