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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jb6kqyz wrote

Got anything other than he's republican appointee. I did not and dont know much of anything about him but I never knew this to be a pressing issue until recently nor ever heard a peep outa the governor about his issue either. But if you have something that shows thats why he was hired I would be open to it.


dordemartinovic t1_jb6xhh9 wrote

You heard what the Governor wants when Dan French opened his mouth. That’s what political appointees do.

But yeah, Scott is on the record supporting school choice.

I obviously wasn’t in the room when Scott selected French, but I do know that disagreement over this issue was a significant reason why French’s predecessor left, so it kind of follows that he was hired at least partially because of this


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_jb74hqq wrote

I don't see the point of the linked article really. Why is school choice a republican thing? Even Scott's opponent Sue Minter was against the proposed rules per the article. Seems the so called mouthpiece of the governor was aligned with the dems as well. After all and ya Ill go way out on a limb and assume that at the time dems had control of all but the governorship they failed to advance any of this. So again I don't think that paints the guy in the bad light you are implying.


dordemartinovic t1_jb7cgwh wrote

I suggest reading both official party platforms if you don’t think school choice is a partisan issue in Vermont

I also never called anyone a bad guy. I said Dan French’s job is to advance Republican education policy. That’s a fact.

And yes, the Democrats did do something about it back then. Guess what’s causing all this hullabaloo? The Supreme Court effectively overturning what the Democrats did