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HappilyhiketheHump t1_jb9wyqr wrote

You do realize that most of the green mountain forest is less than 150 years old as the entire state was almost clear cut in the 1800’s.

The forests of Vermont have been actively managed since that time. That management has resulted in what we currently have: a productive, multi use forest ecosystem that employs Vermonters, allows for ample recreation opportunities and has a generally healthy biodiversity.

Do us a favor, and “save” your own state first. Once you have done that, then please come and present the result of your efforts for us to see.


[deleted] OP t1_jba2w4p wrote

Hey my state is pretty fucked, but believe me I try. I grew up in Pennsylvania but my parents and generations before them are from Massachusetts/Vermont/New York—my relatives live about 20min from the Vermont border— so I am very familiar with the region and there’s no need to discriminate against me as a non-resident. I am pretty concerned about the Earth as a whole, and what we can do to protect what is left. I receive emails from Environment America who are a nationwide advocacy group. I thought I could bring light to this impending project to locals before it happens. With big projects such as this, once it’s approved by the governing bodies and too late to speak out, everyone says “what could we have done to stop it?” It’s helpful to know this is happening. You can certainly decide for yourself whether or not you support it. Note that the proposed plan is not manifesting from individuals in the local Vermont forestry sector, it’s a federal government plan, and this is not logging as you’re used to, it’s clear-cutting and creating a road/tele services through the clear cut area. Once that starts, it won’t stop. You are misunderstanding “uninterrupted” and thinking I believe it is “old growth”— I know that Vermont was logged AF in centuries ago and that it’s not untouched and pristine. At the moment the Green Mountains are one of the largest patches of continuous unfragmented forest and this is in fact something that should be protected from large scale projects such as this.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_jbac41t wrote

It’s federal land so of course it’s a federal project, but it’s not like the wood just goes down to DC it’ll end up at mills in VT or at the paper plants in Ticonderoga so unless you live in a house made without a single piece of wood in it and wipe your butt with a cloth instead of TP you should probably be pretty grateful that we have the space to be able to pull off long term management plans of our forests that include sustainable harvesting.