Submitted by ziggycane t3_11l1o0u in vermont

My husband and I are planning our first trip with our new baby. She's six months old right now. We want to visit Vermont this summer or fall and initially were looking at places with pools we could rent as I'd love to get her in the water, but it looks like everywhere is either already booked or too expensive. I would love, love to try out some of the natural swimming holes around the state but I don't know if people ever take babies there? Is the environment more adult/rowdy for divers and such or would a baby be welcome with some floaties? Is the temperature generally very cold? I'd love recommendations or advice. Thanks!



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bleahdeebleah t1_jb9x4v6 wrote

Depends on the swimming hole, but for a baby I'd recommend a lake beach, there's lots of them.


OwlBeDamned t1_jba0lgs wrote

I'll be honest - even in the middle of August, a lot of that water is COLD. Also, I agree with some of the other comments about how many of the more popular/scenic spots are hard to reach, or very steep/rocky. As a grown adult, I know I've struggled to get my footing, and needed both hands to steady myself. Definitely not safe with a baby.

Not sure where you're planning to stay, but if you wanted to go somewhere relatively easy to get to that isn't too deep/dangerous, I would recommend Brewster River Gorge in Jeffersonville/Cambridge.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbhsg7 wrote

Thank you, I'll look that up! I don't have specific area in mind so I'm open to anything. Would August be the warmest month for water temps in general? That's good to keep in mind.


OwlBeDamned t1_jbef6qh wrote

In general, yes! I would say August is a safe bet for warmth, but even into September it stays pretty warm. It's just enough past the "summer" season, but not yet into fall, which is when many of our most popular tourist spots are at their busiest.


EccentricNarwhal t1_jba0h1v wrote

There are a lot of great lakes with swimming areas all over the state. These are better suited for babies than swimming holes. Swimming holes usually have large rocks and deep sections.

Here is a nice quiet spot:


AdventureSheepies t1_jba139o wrote

Check out some of the state parks that have public beaches. It’s a few dollars to get in, but very clean and family friendly.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbhl97 wrote

Thank you, I'll look that up!


ANTI-PUGSLY t1_jbeua6i wrote

Lake St. Catherine is a popular one, and quite nice. That said there are a lot of reservoirs that also have beaches, like Wrightsville or Waterbury.


bananabates t1_jblhepx wrote

Second Lake St. Catherine! We've been bringing my now 5 year old since he was about 9 months old.


Full_Whereas_2694 t1_jb9ygsx wrote

I took my baby to many swimming holes. The hardest thjng is schlepping all your gear into what are sometimes hard to access spaces. Most swimming holes are pretty family friendly though you’ll occasionally encounter people being assholes and partying and letting their dogs run all over your stuff. The other thing to remember is that a lot of infants don’t really regulate their temperature/cry out in the cold-river temps are quite chilly until at least august so you just need to be mindful of not letting your kiddo spend too long in the water.


JerryKook t1_jba6s6m wrote

Popular swimming holes are gross. There are people that stay at them all day and into the night. We have found: cigarette butts, general trash, broken glass, crushed beer cans ,needles, dog shit, human shit, soiled diapers.

We finally got so grossed out we stopped going. I might go for a quick dip but never to hang out anymore.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbi0bw wrote

Ah, yes, I didn't think about all the baby gear we'd need to bring along. Do you have any swimming holes you'd recommend?


Full_Whereas_2694 t1_jbbmhf4 wrote

Respectfully, no there aren’t any I’d recommend. I prefer not to share my favorite river spots with strangers online. Nothing personal.


Krusch420 t1_jba6ee6 wrote

I don’t know of any swimming holes in Vermont mums the word


VTbeerfan t1_jba4234 wrote

State parks are the best bet


ThaGOutYourWaffle t1_jba1x7g wrote

I would feel MUCH more comfortable taking a baby to a lake beach like lake Iroquois / Niquette Bay or the YMCA pool, instead of natural swimming holes. The swimming holes with current in them sometimes cause a "sucking" current that can pull swimmers underwater or into underwater rock features/caves. I love swimming holes too, but probably not with a baby!


ziggycane OP t1_jbbhjh2 wrote

Thank you for the advice, I didn't know about currents in swimming holes! Definitely scary and worth keeping in mind.


Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jbab1gt wrote

It all depends on the specific swimming hole. If it's popular enough to find with a Google search, it's probably gonna be either gross or crowded. Definitely try a state park with swimming, or if you know of any "locals only" spots, they would be better. One word of caution, my daughter got giardia from playing in the creek. Kinda unavoidable when you're playing in streams all the time, but just be on the lookout afterwards and try not to swallow the water.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbh71p wrote

Thank you for the advice! Yeah I'm worried about gross and crowded. I've been to some swimming holes in other states that were that way. Just looking for somewhere peaceful and safe enough to let the baby splash around in a corner!


Jerry_Williams69 t1_jbab3d2 wrote

Stay away from the Bolton Potholes and Huntington Ravine with a baby. If you are in the north part of the state, check out Sandbar Beach, the Brewster River in Jeffersonville, and Little River State Park. Maple Street Park in Essex Junction had an amazing playscape and water park.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbguxq wrote

Thank you for all the recommendations and advice! I will add those to my list!


Hipko75 t1_jba3mpd wrote

Where are y’all staying? I’ve taken my twin boys to Boulder Beach out in the Groton state forest since they were a year old Love swimming there and playing in the sand


ziggycane OP t1_jbbhde1 wrote

We don't have a specific area in mind. We're driving up from Pennsylvania. I'd be open to any recommendations! I will definitely look up Boulder Beach


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jbaf0mu wrote

A baby would be welcome but you don’t see any because the hike in is often steep and slippery making it unsafe to bring a baby. Head to a beach this year. Save the swimming holes for when they are older.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbdzjn wrote

I've been to some swimming holes in other states and that was my experience so I worried that would be the case in Vermont, too. Climbing over rocks is fun until you have a baby strapped to you. Thank you for the advice!


kosmonautinVT t1_jba8boq wrote

Brewster River in Jeffersonville is a great spot for kids


0thell0perrell0 t1_jbabvso wrote

I would, there are a lot of sweet spots and I am sure you can find just what you are looking for. I wouldn't go to the crowded spots - just trawl up or down the road and find some less busy spots. I have a memory of such a place when I was 2 or 3 - I couldn't swim but I remember the beauty.


andrews301xrd t1_jbcbhk1 wrote

OP this the advice you need. I would say to avoid any and all of the 'legendary' holes like Bartletts, Potholes, and Bingham falls. You would likely have so much more fun going to a small hole or natural pool along any nice river. I have had a great time at Texas Falls, safe walkways to see the waterfall then lots of room upstream to picnic and take a dip in small natural pools. Same thing at Falls of Lana, upstream there are infinite private little pools along the brook that are more approachable and safely accessible with a baby. There are great little spots up and down stream from Bartletts. Think outside the hole.


ziggycane OP t1_jbhce0b wrote

Thank you, that's great advice! I will look into those. :)


honest_j t1_jbai4os wrote

The lower Huntington river has a couple of nice very easily accessible small holes. Parking on Cochran’s road.


MikeDPhilly t1_jbaiq5s wrote

We camped at Half Moon Lake in Hubbardton with our 6 month old last year. It has a sandy/rocky beach and he tolerated the lake water pretty well.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbdpcl wrote

What time of year were you there?


MikeDPhilly t1_jbbi0lk wrote

Last week of August in 2021. The weather was very good and not too many mosquitoes to bother our son. We also toured Lake Bomoseen which is nearby; it was much bigger and had more amenities for families.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_jbauvad wrote

My parents used to take us to swimming holes as babies all the time, if you’re knowledgeable about reading water and being able to spot what’s dangerous then you’ll be able to find tons of swimming holes that are baby appropriate. If you don’t know anything about rivers then lake Champlain has tons of baby safe Sandy beaches, there’s also Waterbury reservoir and a few other smaller lakes. Keep an eye on news about different beaches in case of closures for algae blooms (which are unfortunately becoming more common) it’s usually posted by whatever municipality manages the beach.


21stCenturyJanes t1_jbb8q99 wrote

There are plenty of lakes and swimming holes and they are not really rowdy, generally speaking. Generally speaking, Vermont is not really rowdy.

What area will you be in? I'm sure we can recommend something child-friendly.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbcvya wrote

I don't have an exact area picked out yet so I'm open to any suggestions! We are driving up from Pennsylvania.


No-Ganache7168 t1_jbba7zo wrote

My babies have been in lakes and swimming holes since they were a few months old. Just slather on the baby sunscreen and put them in a waterproof diaper to avoid contaminating the water. Also, watch out for warnings about bacteria which will sometimes pop up in state parks


YouConstant6590 t1_jbcp97j wrote

Hi! Plenty of sweet river spots here that are great for kids and have the same vibe as swimming holes. Yes, swimming holes are often freezing and can often have slippery entrances that make them a challenge with young kids. Safe travels!


joytothesoul t1_jbd7hdw wrote

North of Montpelier is Wrightsville Reservoir, with a long sandy beach and beautiful forests surrounding the lake. I’ve even seen bald eagles catch fish in the lake while sunbathing.

Just across from the entrance to Wrightsville is Shady Rill. Where there are a few pull offs and nice little swimming holes next to the road. Not too much of a climb to the water. Shady, and shallow at first, so easy to get in, with lovely cascades of waterfalls.


artcityphet t1_jbl9czl wrote

Okemo valley. Check out buttermilk falls. Echo lake is close as well. Nice lake rentals in the area. Good hiking around as well.


Sea-Election-9168 t1_jbad38i wrote

We have taken our babies to swimming holes here for ….. well the oldest is now 31 years old! People are almost always thrilled to see the little ones splash about.

Be cautious in choosing a swimming hole with regard to water flow and temperature. The bottom of Bolton Potholes is usually pretty safe, same as at the end of Bartlett Falls (Bristol). Warren Falls is beautiful, but ohhhh so cold! The slower flowing rivers and creeks are warmer, but bring a box of salt for the leeches.


ziggycane OP t1_jbbgrev wrote

That's good to hear! Thank you for the recommendations!


sagehatfield t1_jbavufi wrote

Go to the Putney general store and ask Keith for directions to the Putney falls. Wicked nice, that’s a preferred one for families with kids


ziggycane OP t1_jbbcyy4 wrote

Thank you so much!


localbruise t1_jbc1s9i wrote

If you decide on Putney, we have a place w a pool you could rent, pending your dates. Shoot me a DM if interested:)
