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0thell0perrell0 t1_jbabvso wrote

I would, there are a lot of sweet spots and I am sure you can find just what you are looking for. I wouldn't go to the crowded spots - just trawl up or down the road and find some less busy spots. I have a memory of such a place when I was 2 or 3 - I couldn't swim but I remember the beauty.


andrews301xrd t1_jbcbhk1 wrote

OP this the advice you need. I would say to avoid any and all of the 'legendary' holes like Bartletts, Potholes, and Bingham falls. You would likely have so much more fun going to a small hole or natural pool along any nice river. I have had a great time at Texas Falls, safe walkways to see the waterfall then lots of room upstream to picnic and take a dip in small natural pools. Same thing at Falls of Lana, upstream there are infinite private little pools along the brook that are more approachable and safely accessible with a baby. There are great little spots up and down stream from Bartletts. Think outside the hole.


ziggycane OP t1_jbhce0b wrote

Thank you, that's great advice! I will look into those. :)