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mrgrey772 t1_jbef9g8 wrote

NH is much more free and less authoritarian, less taxes and friendlier population


random_vermonter t1_jberuxu wrote

They still haven’t legalized weed unlike the other NE states. Can’t be that free lol.


mrgrey772 t1_jbes7m9 wrote

The state figured out another way to reach into your pocket and lower the quality of a good on the market place no friggin way 😂 y’all got corruption to testing labs & and a co-opted advocacy group that asks the state to get more involved, sounds nightmarish to me.


halfbakedblake t1_jbel45p wrote

Can I get a source or you know, anything factual, besides Less taxes. Being friendly depends on many things.


mrgrey772 t1_jbeo466 wrote

De-growth mindset pervasive throughout Vermont, anti housing, anti any industry. Not even pro low income housing


random_vermonter t1_jbes5jv wrote

Yeah from the idiots that move here and them try to keep it “pristine” at the expense of long-time residents. We need industry and housing like any other state. I’m glad there are people actually trying to solve these problems instead of pushing the anti-industry narrative on reddit.


hideous-boy t1_jbeo8q3 wrote

being batshit libertarians who just want attention is generally not a perk


mrgrey772 t1_jbep65u wrote

Being a coddled delirious soyjock whose economy would crumble if government subsidies stopped is not a perk, neither is not having the local will to build things when the tit finally runs dry.
