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[deleted] t1_jddf5o9 wrote



thisoneisnotasbad t1_jddwlfe wrote

How did your end up. I ended up with every other weekend and taking my ex to court ever other month citing her latest stint in rehab or with addiction until about 3 years later court finally gave me 50/50. Not full custody mind you because she was getting help, and relapsing every few months but still getting help.

Similar thing with my brother except he finally got custody after 6 months in court because theom stopped sending the kid to school for 4 months because she didn't want to get up and help him get ready.

VT custody laws are so slanted toward the mother it is crazy.


[deleted] t1_jdeddfk wrote



thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdedzo5 wrote

That is wonderful. My ex eventually got clean and we are friends again. I’m part of her younger child’s life as well as his dad took off. It was just frustrating as it really was eye opening as to how fucked up VT custody defaults were.