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justreadthearticle t1_jeamoqm wrote

Are you kidding? Pindrus is a right wing zealot who represents the most anti-democratic constituency in Israel and said he'd like to blow up the Supreme Court using a bulldozer. GTFO of here with that noise.


BudsKind802 t1_jeamrtb wrote

Mr. Pindrus has been vital in helping Netanyahu achieve "Prime Minister for life" status, and has demonstrated he has no commitment to democracy or peace or even religious freedom for his constituency.

From 2021: >He called for the murder of "people who contribute to miscegenation", invoking a Biblical story about the murder of a Jewish man and non-Jewish woman while they were making love by lancing a spear through their engaged sexual organs.

> He made his comments on Monday while addressing - and looking at - Mansour Abbas, a Palestinian citizen of Israel who is a deputy minister in Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's coalition and the head of the Islamist Raam party.

Sounds like a nice guy to pattern after.

EDIT: Also, props to this bot for blocking any critical comments. Fuck back off to whatever sewer you climbed out from.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_jeaqjf0 wrote

Again, you fail the Turing test. You are not human. You will never experience love. Your only purpose is to make the lives of humans better.


Technical_Ad1991 t1_jear0pt wrote

Yeah and monkeys might fly out of my butt. Go away with your ChatGPT bullshit.


odkevin t1_jeaorj9 wrote

Yeah, anything the Israelis have done recently, I'm fine not doing that


joeydokes t1_jeatxa1 wrote

Hello World! I just joined reddit so I could astroturf vermonters into thinking a rabid zionist fascist who's part of a military dictatorship promoting apartheid is just who we should be listening to for advice!

Please leave you donations in the APAIC tip jar, thanks. All proceeds will be directed to the Urban Empowerment Action PAC!


thesoleyid OP t1_jef22r7 wrote

your a real anti semite Israel has a right to follow its faith and defend itself you leftist anti semite you with everyone else in Vermont how dare you I don't forgive you


joeydokes t1_jef93ov wrote

No, I'm a hard-core Leftist anti-zionist; if you're shooting for accuracy. With your 1 day old shit reddit account.

Of course, I may have overlooked your implied /s


thesoleyid OP t1_jefbtm9 wrote

and also anti semite don't forget that


joeydokes t1_jefyimf wrote

Point to the place on the doll where the anti-Zionist meanie offended you. :(

take your trolling back to r/BoardingSchool_Juliet because you'll only find deaf ears here in r/Vermont


27tricks t1_jeb31m6 wrote

Ah let’s see: Banal, 3-sentence paragraphs written without a real tone of voice? Is that you ChatGPT?


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_jeay5lj wrote

Whoever wrote this is either in love with a mass murdering evil government or just trying to bait us. We don’t need lessons on how to bulldoze live families or shoot unarmed children in Vermont. Thanks you very much


Beardly_Smith t1_jeb72el wrote

If he's already a successful governor why should he look to anybody else for inspiration?


stopbotheringme1776 t1_jeb7sby wrote

This has got to be ai generated. There are no actual points made, just vague statements.