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brainzilla420 t1_jd7jccg wrote

We've been playing a lot of wingspan, carcassonne, forbidden sky, and hi-ho-cherry-o.


dillydally85 t1_jd8jgny wrote

I got WAY into Carcassonne for a minute. Like, not just collecting expansion sets but getting custom painted meeples, printing and fabricating fan made expansion sets, memorizing how many unique tiles there were. It was a problem.


DanyDud3 t1_jd9c08l wrote

Have you checked out the other forbidden games? Desert and Island are great, and Jungle is coming out soon


GrittyPrettySitty t1_jd9xn8e wrote

I think desert is the best so far, but I am excited to see how jungle works out.


empire_de109 t1_jdx5ate wrote

My parents and I could never figure out a good strat to Desert, whereas Island we can usually get a good thing going.