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halfbakedblake t1_jegcxnu wrote

I am not unhappy here, but as you relate to the world through your lens I do mine. I was injured and out of work for 2 years. Medical debt is no joke and the debt that comes with illness is terrible. I'm scared shitless to age here.

Happiness to me is different than for you, but all governments are fucked and this may be a case of the grass being greener, but accidents and life happen.


smokeythemechanic t1_jegf7ou wrote

Yeah I for sure hear you there, I honestly our medical systems are so broken we as a country do need to start at square one there. Like Drs have to be held accountable for what they say, do, and prescribe, also health administration should make less than anyone working the floor. But then again that's my sentiment about all technical jobs that require a decade of study to master.