Submitted by RamaSchneider t3_11nlsa4 in vermont

Did you know that you can circumvent others' attempts to censure what you see in this Vermont subreddit by clicking on "New" at the top?



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jsled t1_jbnwylj wrote


And reddit's voting is not "censorship".

You need a different hobby than shitposting on Reddit, Rama.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jbnz945 wrote

We should add that you need something better to do with your life then tell others they need to do something different with their lives.

And you're correct - "censor", not "censure" ... although censure sure as hell fits too.

[Edit] And what is "shitposting" about explaining how folks can use Reddit? That's a very strange approach.[/Edit]


jsled t1_jbo7hzg wrote

I don't subscribe to this sub to hear Rama's thoughts about how people should use reddit.

I come here to hear about topics relating to Vermont.


Forsaken-Status7778 t1_jbo5axl wrote

My dude is angling for another failed state house run in 2024. Taking the crazy platform I see.


deadowl t1_jbq4trh wrote

I wouldn't call Rama crazy from what I've read in his posts. I would rather say outspoken with difficulty in integrating into social environments.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jbse02f wrote

Maybe, just maybe, folks who make comments like yours just aren't in my bucket of people I'd like to associate with.

On the other hand, I've made the offer before and I'll leave it out there: I'll sit down in a public social meeting with ANYBODY in the sub and talk about the issues and not how much you don't like Rama.

The prior are meaningful, the latter is your issue to deal with.


nixxon t1_jbqausi wrote

Nobody is "censuring" you. You keep getting so many reports that your posts get zapped automatically.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jbsds7d wrote

The object is to shut me up. Period. I don't care what their rationale is, the object to censor what others get to see and read.

And as a mod, then, you can confirm that folks can get around others trying to censor what they see by clicking on "new", right?

Sure you can, its how Reddit is designed to operate.


faceswithfires t1_jbspraq wrote

You're getting downvotes here because the implied second part of your post is " you can see what I post!"

For real, try posting with about a quarter of your current frequency and you will probably see people be less annoyed and more engaged.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jbstfej wrote

You think I would "imply" me? Really? I'm now going to get grief for not being direct and blunt enough? Fuck me.

Have you come up with a percentage of r/vermont posts are mine?

What's too much? Once a week? Month? Day?

I'm not responding because I really care about the outcome of all this redditing in r/vermont thing; but I'm always curious as to how people (including myself) come up with views.

Suggestions as worded above are so amorphous as to meaning that at least to me they are meaningless.


faceswithfires t1_jbstitk wrote

It's not amorphous, dude. Post less. Read the room. Direct enough?


RamaSchneider OP t1_jbujhuq wrote

Reading the room - 2K views and a handful of downvotes.

Direct enough?


[deleted] t1_jbsxwac wrote



RamaSchneider OP t1_jbujbvp wrote

Your math sucks and is incomplete.

Worst case scenario is there is only one upvote on this post (mine) and any other votes are downvotes. I'm looking at 10% upvote rate, which would mean 9 down and 1 up .... (ready for this?) ... on 2000+ views.

9 downvotes = approximately 0.45% of the viewers. Double the number of up and down votes? You're still under 1%.

So yeah, you and your little band of Rama-haters is just that - little.


proscriptus t1_jcbm1uu wrote

We don't hate you, Rama. We think you were well meaning but have a very poor grasp of etiquette. However, your failure to learn says it's more than just an innocent mistake.


DaddyBobMN t1_jbvunej wrote

Let's just take the mods out of the equation so you don't have that as an excuse. I'll go ahead and hit this block button and be done with it because none of this is worth reading.