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Human802 t1_jdxwwo2 wrote

Well that is a massive misunderstanding of the history. Mead was a clear, active, vocal leader in the eugenics movement. He was very clear about his beliefs on forced sterilizations and segregation. He used his political power to bring eugenics to Vermont law.


MontEcola t1_jdy8max wrote

I read the article. My comments are a mix between what is in the article and the comment.

If you have different information, it should be included in your comment. To have information and not include it in your comment is not really fair. Others have posted new to me information. I will read that later today.


ClarenceWith2Parents t1_jdydhlv wrote

If a google of "mead eugenics involvement" immediately pulls up this asshat's outspoken question of "Segregation or Sterilization" in 1912 - I implore you to stop fooling yourself into thinking you are trying. With all that, I warn you that the devil's advocate act makes you look like a walking cock-sock. Be better, fucking christ.