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HardTacoKit t1_jbrnfxg wrote

Are you not seeing the second image?


lantonas t1_jbrno3j wrote

Yes. Imagine the bathroom without the urinal is in use.

I'm literally shaking just thinking about this.


HardTacoKit t1_jbro07h wrote

You are shaking about an imaginary scenario you made up in your head?

Cant the imaginary person in your head just wait for their preferred bathroom to be available? Like you and I do in real life all the time?


Eagle_Arm t1_jbs23n2 wrote

They can't think! Didn't you hear?! They're shaking!!


Squee1396 t1_jbskj6p wrote

You know that people with penises can pee in regular toilets right?

Also any bathrooms anywhere can be in use, i am a female and if the female bathroom is in use i just wait, like everyone else. Haven't you ever been to an airport or place where there are lines for the bathroom?

I looked at your profile and know you think your trolling now but why would you want people to think your stupid?


gcubed680 t1_jbrqrn3 wrote

Both bathrooms have toilets, one has a urinal also. You can stop your shaking


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_jbses8v wrote

I think it's safe to assume that the bathroom with the urinal would still have a toilet. Since even if you have the "equipment" to use a urinal, it might not serve your needs at that moment.

I've also never (ever) seen a bathroom with literally just a urinal.


_JunkyardDog t1_jbtuok7 wrote

Use the other one, but please put the seat down when you're leaving.