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Dukaso t1_jdkb8hs wrote

Hey buddy, I just want to reiterate, don't give those leeches a god damn cent of your own money. Also NEVER acknowledge the debt as YOUR debt. This is the estate's debt, and you need to always refer to it as such. Money is weird and if you ever acknowledge the debt is yours UVMMC is going to try to suck you dry.

Even if you were promised the estate, don't ever refer to the debt as yours by proxy. You're going to inherit the remainder of the estate (if there is any) after everyone gets their pound of flesh. Even if you're representing the estate, the debt always belongs to "the estate", not "you".

Don't give them a chance to screw you. It's so fucked up that we have to worry about semantics when dealing with the death of people close to us.