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MissJudgeGaming t1_jby4z8m wrote

I just escaped Atlanta to move to Vermont for many, many reasons, but the lawlessness of the law was high up on the list. So many POC friends and coworkers with horror stories - can't carry a purse into stores, don't wear thick jackets, you have to buy something or you're accused of shoplifting and can be at risk for being frisked.

It was both cathartic and infuriating for my white-ass brother, who always love to be a centrist, got pulled over driving from CA to GA with his dog for our fathers surgery. Cop saw CA plates and dollars in his eyes, unlawfully put my brother in the backseat with no probable cause, and searched the car over while his anxiety-ridden dog lost it without his favorite person. All for that sweet civil forfeiture.

Atlanta cops fucking suck - reading the police blotter in VT almost makes me want to cry.


PCPToad83 t1_jbybkeu wrote

Wtf are you talking about lmao


kraysys t1_jbyz4eu wrote

It’s all sensationalized hyper-partisan garbage. But unfortunately Redditors tend to love ingesting this sort of crap. So many people have absolutely no sense of historical or global perspective.
