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curiousguy292 t1_jdmqew0 wrote

I agree. There’s some truth to this. I feel like every story has to contain some sort of social justice component to be allowed to air. I remember recently counting 4 stories about the change in DEI officer in Burlington government! Wtf. VPR is totally out of touch with most Vermonters


you_give_me_coupon t1_jdmzq0h wrote

For sure. Inserting race into every story, especially where it's irrelevant, and always in the most contentious and off-putting way possible, has got to be a top-down directive. It's too ubiquitous and serves the donor class's interests too well. My favorite recent NPR story was something like "in historic first, Boston elects Asian mayor, here's how that's bad for black people." Out of touch indeed.


curiousguy292 t1_jdn2bul wrote

It’s too bad because it used to be the best source of information in Vermont. Now it just seems to pander to what must be a small segment of Vermont society. Maybe those are the donors?

One exception I have to mention is Erica Heilman. She does “Rumble Strip” and some reporting. She gets it. She did a series called “What class are you?” Where regular people talked about classism in Vermont. It wasn’t very flattering towards the typical VPR listener. It was the most true grit real programming I’ve heard in years.