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xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jc7ql0q wrote

Legalize shrooms they’ve been found to be safe and almost impossible to OD on. All psychedelics have incredibly low usage rates and addiction to them is non existent. (Fake tabs are a completely different game and I do think all “LSD” should be tested since 90% of it is random ass RCs from Asia)

However all hard drugs should be kept illegal and the people who use them should absolutely be held accountable for purchasing and especially distributing community ruining drugs. It didn’t work in Washington, Oregon, or California and all it did was perpetuate a system that has zero accountability and enables degenerate addicts to further ruin the community.

You’re not helping them, you’re making them live carefree at the expense of everyone else. Is it shocking to see that HIV, HEP-C rates still rise even when theres safe injection sites? No. They’re still going to throw their needles on the street and share the same needle. Your “unhoused neighbors” don’t care about you, they’re not part of this community. The overwhelming majority aren’t from the state and came here because they know there are gullible bleeding-heart individuals who will believe whatever sob story they can conjure and skirt laws and get free shit.

Escapism isn’t a valid excuse, we are all expected to participate in the legal system. We should not be giving passes to people who disproportionately contribute to crime, blood born diseases, and overburdening public systems made for people who CONTRIBUTE to society.


halfbakedblake t1_jc8jdkw wrote

So, should we make alcohol illegal again. It is DEFINITELY a hard drug. One of the two that the withdrawals will kill you. This is an all or nothing thing, because I can argue with you about what is or isn't a hard drug.

Education, mental health and making a person a part of the community are not easy. Give your unhoused neighbors a reason to care.

Escapism may not be a valid excuse, but escapism will be there either way. We are humans and we seek to escape. It's not like drugs are a new concept, hard or soft.