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mydogisfour t1_jc7r0st wrote

Honestly this might be a great thing IF resources are put into ensuring folks have a substantial education around digs and have easy access to mental health resources. From what I’ve learned studying trauma is most folks addicted to substances are highly traumatized people, looking to numb the pain. Of corse there’s the issues with medications making you dependent and the dangers of just trying stuff for fun, but when you see the connection between trauma and drug use it becomes clear the deeper issue is not the drugs, these people are really, really hurting. If we eventually decriminalized drugs the stigma might lesson and people would be more apt to seek help, as culturally we shake people with addiction.

I think if this just passes without a large amount of support and education surrounding mental health and drug use then it probably wouldn’t be that great. But I really do feel if we opened our minds and hearts more positive change could be made, there’s just a lot of fear, shame and stigma to wade through, along with potentially dangerous behaviors depending upon the drug.