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Andre1001235 t1_jds800r wrote

No. Not everyone gets the day off from work and it’s a once a year thing so if you miss it. The fuck you.


vDorothyv t1_jdsbh88 wrote

Then fight your employer or the state to make it a recognized holiday. Don't take away a positive because your employer sucks.


Andre1001235 t1_jdsd463 wrote

I also work at a resort soooo yeah


vDorothyv t1_jdsdowh wrote

That blows, thank you for your service. I'm thankful I work for a Vermont focused place that gives us it off


QualityRescue t1_jdv2xb7 wrote

My employer goes, takes the day off, we employees don't get the day off to go.


CallingAllDemons t1_jdu25r0 wrote

Lots of people still work on recognized holidays. The only way to ensure equal access to voting is to do everything by Australian ballot with polls open for twelve hours, just like election day. I understand the appeal of town meeting but personally would be thrilled to see the end of voting from the floor.
