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kraysys t1_jccd2wd wrote

Man, 80+ hour weeks? Surely if you're putting in those hours they're compensating you well enough to be able to save and purchase a used snow blower.

It'll suck, but get a couple less hours of sleep tonight than usual and shovel out. I have many fond memories of shoveling out with my dad in the dark with some terrible headlamps after he finished up with work (too bad your 8-month-old can't yet help out lol)


raptor3x t1_jcdjx92 wrote

80 hours a week during tax season for a tax accountant doesn't sound unreasonable at all.


kraysys t1_jcdku5j wrote

Sure, but it’s a job that can provide the savings to purchase a used snow blower, is my point. In another comment OP was complaining about working a low paying job that didn’t make that possible.