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Chance_Phone4013 t1_jccuzb0 wrote

My guy, this exact scenario happened to my wife and i last year. Long ass driveway, heavy ass snow storm, shitty ass plow driver didn't show up. We put our big boy pants on and dug a 5ft ×200ft path to the road. It took a few hours, it sucked and we were sore after but we got it done.

My wife works in a tax office. Long hours this time of year for sure. But don't tell me you can't afford an ATV with a plow. We bought one this year and she isn't even an accountant....


Chance_Phone4013 t1_jceti75 wrote

We bought a used one for $2000 from FB market. It's a total game changer. It takes me 15 min to plow my 200ft driveway in regular snow and a half hour for this deep heavy crap..