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WhatTheCluck802 t1_jdoy8iz wrote

I don’t understand why they do that Sharpie thing with the receipt at the door. I literally spend $1K on groceries there on average and have a Supermarket Sweep style cart that I can barely see over/steer. If I wanted to steal something it would be pretty easy to stick it in the middle of my Leaning Tower of Groceries. IDK what value that Sharpie Lady adds to their business model. It’s a pain in my ass to wait to get out the door and do the game of Tetris to fit my haul in my car.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_jdra8p2 wrote

I heard somewhere it's to make the customer "feel special" or something to that effect. That does seem to fit with their membership model, gives a feeling of exclusivity.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jdrb5b0 wrote

Ugh. A big thumbs down to that if so! They already ostensibly check my card at the door - which they never really look at so I could be flashing them my library card from 25 years ago for all they know. 🧐