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whaletacochamp t1_jcldwj2 wrote

TLDR: Certified drug recognition expert is over confident and has a vendetta against people driving high. Inappropriately charged many folks with DUI using these "skills"

Remember kids - drug recognition experts are an unconstitutional farce and ACAB!


limeelsa t1_jcl4y4m wrote

Holy shit, I got arrested by him for a marijuana DUI. And funny enough, I had my car illegally searched by him a week later because he “smelled weed”, even though I had not had any marijuana in over a week.


whaletacochamp t1_jclepeu wrote

Id reach out to the Lamoille County State's Attorney. I'm sure they'd love to hear about your situation and may even be able to help you out. This is literally this guy's MO. I'm SURE once you were on his radar he was fishing for whatever he could on you.



JerryKook OP t1_jcl74oz wrote

Did you get convicted? If you did maybe you can get it overturned.


limeelsa t1_jcn88ky wrote

Nah got the charges down to negligent driving and it’s already been stricken from my record


Affectionate_Cod_348 t1_jckz4be wrote

If that Brady letter gets issued, he'll be qualified to be chief of Police for Northfield.


bakerton t1_jcliqa0 wrote

Or at least a top candidate for his local county sheriffs office.


TheTowerBard t1_jckm0y9 wrote

Is this an article from a news outlet written by a journalist or did they just post this guys resume? It’s a very very odd read.


VetMedicUSA t1_jckm9ot wrote

That’s the quality reporting we get from the Stowe Reporter these days.


MissJudgeGaming t1_jcl5ek1 wrote

Their office is actually like five vermont papers, im surprised if they even proofread.


halfbakedblake t1_jclqrst wrote

I just assume it is AI generated and not proofread.


resistreclaim t1_jcmgevi wrote

I would not be surprised


DHallFan169 t1_jcyotkz wrote

You're lucky to be reading about this at all. If you actually read the article, you'll see that this story only came to light after a great deal of digging and a refusal to accept the police department and town's refusal to talk about the officer's departure. This officer's departure was not announced and there were no details given regarding it. What you're reading is an impartial look at the officer's track record, not a resume. There will certainly be more to be reported on this story, but you should be thankful that local journalism still exists in your community.


TheTowerBard t1_jcma8ch wrote

That’s exactly how this reads to me. It’s just so odd, I genuinely can’t believe a human wrote it.


Effinehright t1_jcm8u4c wrote

There’s no slant maybe you’re used to an opinion to help guide you? Seems the writer just used quotes and information that’s available.


TheTowerBard t1_jcma36q wrote

I didn’t say it had a “slant,” I said it was odd. Because it is. It’s super odd. Clearly this guy and the rest of the officers in that department are at odds with each other. That’s something a journalist might ask questions about instead of just acting as a stenographer while using an AI bot to pull info about the guy the rest of the department has an issue with. I’m not sure what “slant” you think I’m accusing the supposed “journalist” of having. It’s just a really really odd article. I’m sorry if me pointing that out triggered your fee fees. Hope you’ll be ok.


Effinehright t1_jcmbaw3 wrote

Reread my comment maybe it’s just your comprehension that’s the issue?


TheTowerBard t1_jcmclqo wrote

Yes, I fully understand that you are ok with journalists not doing their job and instead acting more like stenographers producing weird articles that read like they were pulled from an AI chat bot.

And please, own your shit. You came in here spewing your gibberish about a “slant” I was supposedly claiming this journalist has. Yet, it’s an article about cops firing a cop, or pushing him out of the department. This is cop on cop drama my dude, where’s the slant? 🤣

I just want an article written by a human, is that too much to ask?


Effinehright t1_jcmdpfs wrote

Youre used to articles with a slant is what I said there’s no edit your comprehension sucks. That’s clear by you doubling down. It’s the facts that’s what news is supposed to be. No editorialized bullshit.


TheTowerBard t1_jcmekhq wrote

We don’t need the guys resume and entire work history to establish the facts of this situation you dingus brain. It’s odd. It’s weird. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Bye now.


Effinehright t1_jcmf0w9 wrote

Own it though own that you didn’t comprehend!! Come back…


Acer018 t1_jcltt2o wrote

I wonder how many people this guy screwed by aggressively pursuing illusive and non existent drug activity. He should be thoroughly investigated and any convictions that were made by his evidence should be overturned.


Mauimail1 t1_jclghoo wrote

“it can impugn their integrity.” 🤣 Consequence hammers coming down with the wrath of God for these cops. Jfc if there is evidence of a crime then there should be charges and an indictment. This two tiered justice system needs to end now.


VTMike1029 t1_jcmwpxd wrote

I'm not surprised by this at all. I have been involved in a court case where cops took $600 cash off a friend of mine then under oath they lied about it. Since that day I have never trusted a cop again. Some of them lie to get what they want ultimately to make themselves out as hero.


ANTI-PUGSLY t1_jcowi9x wrote

Police in my hometown responded to the wrong house, and in doing so, shot my friends well-behaved dog — and also lied about every possible detail.


VTMike1029 t1_jcowx01 wrote

That is incredibly messed up I would be devastated if someone shot my dog no less the police


jfzzl t1_jcna9u2 wrote

My wife got pulled over by a stowe cop who said she ‘veered away from the centerline onto the shoulder’. I wonder if it’s the same guy. I’d rather err toward the shoulder than cross into oncoming traffic right?