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headgasketidiot t1_jdhq5lz wrote

> Very slippery slope when you start saying normal folks should just give up whatever 'excess' they have to those in need. Sounds a bit like a certain failed ideology we've seen in the last century...

Christianity is a little older than the last century.


DrPremium t1_jdkpro0 wrote

oh I must have missed the part of the bible where it said 'take other people's things by force


headgasketidiot t1_jdlz657 wrote

You said "normal folks should just give up whatever 'excess' they have to those in need. "

Here's a Bible page that says exactly that:

>But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?


>Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.

That one seems pretty relevant to this discussion.

Here's one that says you should lend to the poor even if the debt jubilee is coming up, during which the state will cancel all debt:

>If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need. >Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing. They may then appeal to the LORD against you, and you will be found guilty of sin


DrPremium t1_jdn60hs wrote

Am I blind or am I missing the “by force” part? Something tells me I’m not engaging with a rational actor… I’m backing off this ‘discussion’


headgasketidiot t1_jdn8e88 wrote

You're not blind. You just moved the goalposts. That's why i quoted your original comment.