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antisocialtranshuman t1_jdz5zis wrote

>In a state so dependent on tourism $'s.

That is a bug for many of us not a feature. If you know how anti ABnB we are then you prob. ought to know that too by now.


ejjsjejsj t1_je0i8bo wrote

Same people who hate Airbnb want act 250 to make it impossible to build anything commercial and also hate high paid remote workers who live here. Everyone can't be a maple syrup maker


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_je15d61 wrote

We don't like the remote workers, no. Who likes the people who come to gentrify their home?


ejjsjejsj t1_je4xy5i wrote

My point is you guys are irrational. Commercial development is ugly so you don't want that, you hate tourists and don't want people to rent out spaces to them to make money, and you don't want remote workers living here(and paying tax). Yet you also complain there are no good jobs to keep young people in the state and that housing is too expensive. You just want everything to stay the same but magical fairy dust to create good paying jobs and affordable housing, which is not going to happen