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somewhere_in_VT t1_je0ph2s wrote

While unions are good, Nestle owns Starbucks and nestle is bad.

ETA- fair enough, the US stores and the coffee they serve there is Starbucks and not nestle, it’s privately owned by Howard Schultz. Nestle has rights to sell SB “ready to drink” coffee in a couple foreign markets as well as SB branded packaged coffee.


AKAManaging t1_je0qomu wrote

This is simply incorrect. Nestle doesn't "own" Starbucks.

Nestle doesn't own Starbucks, they simply are licensed to sell and distribute Starbucks products.


LetsGoHome t1_je0sv6s wrote

Nestle distributes their bagged and branded coffee and I'm not even sure they have the rights within the US.