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happyonthehill802 t1_jdhewim wrote

"Stan Sherwood stands in front of his home along Route 7 in Brandon. Sherwood is angry about the number of trees construction crews took down on his property to install a large sand filter for storm water runoff"

Edit source, towards the bottom of the page it goes into detail.


suzi-r t1_jdkcv85 wrote

Damn! Would SS rather have a flood? He might be SOS then


Longjumping_Vast_797 t1_jdmae2h wrote

Stan lives in a literally creek bed. He protested the largest and most positive project to hit route 7 in decades. Yes, he did have a very large storm system installed directly through his front yard, but it was completely restored afterwards and noone would know its there. He has a new driveway, new sidewalks, new parks, new water service, new sewer service, new storm filtration to protect the very creek, and NEW TREES LINING THE ENTIRE PROJECT. He's also got tons of new investment in neighbors all around, rather than the decaying strip it once was. These projects are vital. He's disillusioned.


happyonthehill802 t1_jdmmkrj wrote

I dont know stan, or have enough info to judge. Im sure he also enjoyed a nice tax increase. Theres always two sides to a story.


Velveteenrocket t1_jdol66j wrote

Ruined the town park that was in the center there. Just my opinion