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Blueslide60 t1_jd4c901 wrote

I can't choose so I can't answer your question OP.

My current water is from an artesian well. It tastes better than most town water, especially Montpelier's. Yes, I lose water when I lose power, but we rarely have an outage past 12 hours. It's not that big a deal. I seem to remember back in the day, Montp frequently had boil water notices and that was bottle water time.

Well water isn't free water. The water here is very hard. It also smells like sulfur. I have to buy and maintain a softening and filter system. I am seeing some new houses in my neighborhood who are drilling. Makes me wonder about the durability of our water table.

Let's not get into sewer vs septic............


kellogsmalone OP t1_jd4wri1 wrote

I think the water table up here is going to be okay. Now, the Western and Southwestern states....